The Crown Estate Commission


The Holdfast of An Buioch
alexanderfalkor [/table]

[Image: sA43R17.png]
  Please introduce your Holdfast down below:

The An Buioch Tribal Holdfast is the long home of the An Buioch people, a group of Caer Sidian Wolven natives, who were once elves but changed due to a ritual in the past. The An Buioch is a peaceful place where nature is abundant, but they are no strangers to conflict, they move out to beat back the forces of chaos when they present too much of a threat to Nature , which the An Buioch people consider their duty and honor given all nature gives them, they remain ever watchful for threats to the natural order and new opportunities to learn new skills and get good trade deals to benefit the tribe.

Please give a description as to how your Holdfast is governed:

An Buioch is a Chiefdom The Chief shares power with the Shamans who are the knowledge keepers and ritual keepers. The Chief is the leader of the armies and Chief administrator of the Holdfast, he has other high ranking soldiers and administrators under him to help him keep up to date with anything.

The Chief is also the Head Diplomat of the Tribe hes the one that greets any foreign diplomats or traders, he shares this role with the Head Shaman who leads the Shamans much the same way the Chief leads the tribe.

There is a Head Hunter as well who is nominally in charge of the Hunters the soldiers of the tribe when not at war, they roam the lands around the holdfast hunting food and keeping nature in balance.

They pay tribute to the City and the Chief by sending meat and leather from the hunts they do. The Hunters also go out into the world as Mercs when the Chief tells them they gather knowledge and learn from those that hire them rather than take gold 

⠀ Do you have any custom races you want to introduce? If so, describe them briefly down below:

The An Buioch or The Thankful are a small tribe of elves turned anthropomorphic wolf due to ritual sacrifice in the past leaving them only able to use ritual and religious magic but making them stronger faster smarter and longer lived. An Buioch live on average 400 years but the longest lived was around 600 years old, they are master archers owing to their hunter lifestyle. They are also excellent traders and knowledge keepers who have master the art and science of ritual and religious magic again due to the fact they can use nothing else. They send out traders and hunters every 6 months to seek out prospective trade partners and to keep up to date on the flow of trade.

The Hunters often leave in groups of 1000 rotating each time to work as mercenaries gathering fighting experience and keeping up to date the unique the form of martial arts they use in place of iron weapons, they work for new knowledge and skills in place of gold when they must take gold they often use it to buy the knowledge and skills instead. An Buioch are a deeply communal people working together to make the whole stronger to them the tribe is everything and they must all work together or die alone this is due to the stable but small number of the race, they don't have children very often so each one is cherished by all An Buioch and the tribe pulls together as one to raise them.

An Buioch owing to the leather they receive from the hunters live in yurts which are built in such a way as to house multiple families comfortably, they are also master leather workers making richly decorated leather armor that is then inscribed with ritual runes to further increase the natural abilities of the race by at least double making them formidable foes and reliable allies. In the center of Yurt City standing tall and proud on a hill is Íobairt na Sinsear or The Ancestor Sacrifice a Elwydium tree that produces magical fruits that the An Buioch make into magical reagents to trade for fruit and other needs of the tribe they keep a small part of each harvest to use in rituals or other tribe magical needs. At the base of Íobairt na Sinsear grows the incense which make up the ritual and religious reagents the tribe uses.

An Buioch come in mostly two colors gray and brown fur covers their body and they do have hair which matches the fur of the wolf most often but not always. They often style and groom together as a sign of trust and intimacy putting beads and feathers in them as symbols of various life achievements and actions. An Buioch have many names for themselves a Birth name or Soul name thats given to them by their parents chief and shaman, this they only share with loved ones or very trusted friends. They have the Skill name which shows off the skill they are best at then they have the Honor name which denotes an action they have done which honors them and their tribe such as saving a fellow hunter from death during a hunt or figuring out a new way to treat wounds that kind of thing this is the name given to everyone else. An Buioch craftsman and other skilled people give the Skill name in front of the Honor name, An Buioch hunters and warriors give the Honor name first then the Skill name showing which group finds most important.

(if you have further questions please ask me in the discord or my subforum when i get it otherwise ill be here all day)
The population of [An Buioch] is: 30,132
  • [An Buioch] = [30,132]

Total Population= [30,132] [/table]
Military numbers

peacetime numbers: 2,000
wartime numbers when fighting regular wars: 3,000
wartime numbers when fighting Chaos: 4,500

The Peacetime Army of An Buioch of 2,000 wears heavily runed ritual armor providing various benefits aimed at protecting them from harm and enhancing their power on and off the field of battle while the rest wear regular decorated leather armor.

The 4,500 shamans of An Buioch each sacrificed 200 years of lifespan to create the various enhancements and benefits the armor and bows provide the army of An Buioch.

An Buioch has a runed bow which provides increased range and increased aim they are also runed to be very hard to break and to prevent damage from the ravages of time each bow is made from wood taken from Íobairt na Sinsear given to the permanent peacetime army of 2,000 while the rest are given bows of lesser wood.

The armor is as strong as iron and lets them move with very little restriction in regards to flexibility and dexterity.

Each of the parts below helps in some way empower them.

The gauntlets and arm guards grant them a boost to speed and power.

The helmets they wear let them see things from far away and with clear vision.

The leg armor and greaves makes sure they have perfect balance and move as quiet as a shadow.

Every month the shamans gather to keep the enhancements strong by doing a ritual of maintenance. [/table]
The Natural and Processed goods of [An Buioch] are:
[Total points available: 8]
[Total points used: 8]
[Elwydium Fruit] = 1 point
[Incense] = 1 point

[Leatherworks] = 2 points
[Magical Reagents] = 2 points
[Religious Reagents] = 2 points
An Buioch believe in using the entire animal after they hunt leaving nothing to waste they leave the entrails to the predators of the forest. They use the leather they make for clothes and armor and maintaining the yurts they call home. They smoke the meat and store it for when needed and use the bones for medicine and jewelry as well as fuel for fires. They burn the heart to send the spirit of the beast back into the arms of nature the magical and religious reagents are stored after processing until traded or use in a ritual. An Buioch lack grown foods they trade for them what few trees and bushes in the forest are left alone for the various prey animals the An Buioch hunt they rotate between prey animals when they need food to keep the animals populations in good condition. They also lack iron for arrows so often use stone head arrows but trade quite often for iron headed arrows [/table]

 An Buioch is a city of Yurts and families living in the shadows of hills and trees with a lake and river beside them they keep walls in the shadows of the four twins in the front of the holdfast made of ritually empowered wood with four forts to crown them made of the same wood. Towards the north-west between the back-hill and the forth twin rests the lake Linn na Sinsear which takes the shape of a large oval and fits perfectly between the hills acting as both source of fresh water and fish but also a natural defense barrier Linn na Sinsear sits behind Baile An Buioch which is the name of the whimsically titled Yurt City.
Further protecting the heart of the An Buioch running beside and underneath Baile An Buioch and cresting just around the First twin acting as a wall of water protecting Baile An Buioch is the river Deora na Sinsear standing at 3/4 Mile wide and 200 feet deep with the deepest part being dead center of the river with the river getting progressively shallower the closer to the riverbank. Íobairt na Sinsear stands tall and proud on a hill in the center of Holdfast An Buioch with Baile An Buioch built around it in a crescant moon moving outwards towards the Four Twins with room for more as needed.
[+] 1 user Likes Alexanderfalkor's post

(06-13-2023, 05:49 PM)Alexanderfalkor Wrote:  [table]
The Holdfast of An Buioch
alexanderfalkor [/table]

[Image: qJXcEK9.png]

[Image: 05oDl72.png]

AlexanderFalkor, your holdfast application has been accepted! In addition, this means that once your subforum is created by Aynia, ( Since unfortunately, I can't create subforums for y'all ) you are free to start roleplaying and worldbuilding your holdfast and it's occupants as you see fit.

In due time, Aynia will also put your holdfast on the official Roleplay map. I hope you come to enjoy your time in the official CS roleplay!

[Image: tylu0RQ.png]

⠀ ⠀ ⠀Today's song!
⠀ ⠀ ⠀Call me Granger, please ⠀ ⠀(:
⠀ ⠀ ⠀Are birds actually reptiles?

(06-12-2022, 07:40 AM)GrangerAirstrike Wrote:  
=The Holdfast of Astirdia

[Image: image.png]
Please introduce your Holdfast down below
Astirdia a place that seems wonderful and alive.Yet it isnt with hail and snow storms and dead people this kingdom thrives

Please give a description as to how your Holdfast is governed
Monarchy with thanes having a hex of land

Do you have any custom races you want to introduce? If so, describe them briefly down below
Lost dead-Ghosts but u cant see them even with magic

=7Delete everything up to ( and including ) the mention of Custom Races if you are not introducing any

=12The population of [ Insert Holdfast Name Here ] is:
  • Lost dead = 50000


Military numbers 5000

peacetime numbers:9
wartime numbers:1

=12The Natural and Processed goods of [ Insert Holdfast Name Here ] are:
=12[ Total points available: 8 ]
=12[ Total points used: _ ]
spring water = 1 point
jewels = 1 point

refined water = 2 points
refined gems = 2 points
Please summarise the status of natural and processed goods, and describe what your Holdfast lacks here
Highly loved

Please give a very brief (a sentence or two) overview of the Holdfast
old yet thriving seeming nice yet powerful


The Holdfast of The Khaganate of Devith'Kar

[Image: HBGXkQK.jpg]

Please introduce your Holdfast down below
The Khaganate is home to two peoples, both nomadic in tradition, settled to varying degrees. The first of these are what remains of the Emerald Khaganate, the Taras Jha'ut. Once the conquerors of a mighty empire, they have been forced to flee following a crushing defeat in battle, seeking refuge where their vengeful advesaries could not follow: another world entirely. Their numbers greatly diminished by the cost of battle and the arduous track to Syvisa and from there, to the warren, their bellicose way of life could no longer be continued. They turned to becoming sedentary, under the dominion of the crown at first. But the memory of Empire burns bright in their conciousness, and with their struggles at an end, their pride stirs once more. No longer content to not be lords in their own right, they traverse east, now offering to swear fealty to the crown in exchange for formal recognition of their lordship over the land.
The second are the Kvaltir, a coalition of around a dozen smaller tribes of natives to Caer Sidi. Although they mostly live pastoralistic, nomadic lives, they have established some semi-permanent settlements along the river. Though intrigued by the arrival of the newcomers, they offer no objection, continuing to live as they have in the space that the Khatun cannot claim.

Please give a description as to how your Holdfast is governed
The Taras Jha'ut are ruled by the nobles of the seven houses, the remnants of their once vast warrior caste, each led by the lord of their house, bearing the title of Mirza. The Mirza in turn elect the overall ruler of the Khaganate, the Khagan/Khatun, usually a member of one of the houses, but never a Mirza. The Mirza serve as the Khagans council as well as the feudal lords of their own fiefdoms. In addition to the Mirza, the Khagan can appoint a Grand Prince/Princess. While initially a transitionary title bestowed upon the Khagan during the exodus (in absence of the territory to justify a noble title), it is increasingly understood to indicate preference in succesion. In addition, the Grand Prince substitutes for the Khagan should they be unable to fulfill their duties.

The Kvaltir, however, do not recognize the Emerald Banner, instead ruling themselves. Internally, the tribes follow a traditional hierachy that highly values mental fortitude, usually ascribed to be gained in parallel with wisdom and as such determined by seniority, although prowess in magics and ordinary, but remarkable feats of physical might or outstanding wit are on occasion also recognized. These leading figures come together semi-annually in the assembly of the tribes, which serves to prevent and mediate quarrels between the tribes. The assembly lacks any true executive authority and as such largely fulfills an advisory function, governing, if at all, by consensus, as tribal leaders implement only what ideas they find compelling.
Do you have any custom races you want to introduce? If so, describe them briefly down below
 The Kvaltir are the natives of the Khaganates territory, calling it their home long before the Jha'ut set foot beyond the crownlands. Though humanoid, they are vaguely lizard-like, sporting scales, elevated, slightly longer heads, tails and forked tongues in addition to horns that continously (and slowly) grow as long as the Kvaltir lives.
Prior to the formation of the Coalition, they were a far more warlike people, but the end of the initial chaos incursion marked the end of their militancy. Without a foe to turn against, they focused inwards, embracing nomadic pastoralism, tribal coexistence and isolationism.
Although they do value their independence highly, they do not object to the Jha'ut claiming rule over them, so long as it remains nominal. They know that, as they are, the Syvisans cannot hope to settle all the land they claim and that for the forseeable future, their lives will go largely unimpeded, as the Khatun has shown little interest in the flatlands and hills they call their home, focusing instead on the rivershore to cultivate their farmland.

The population of Devith'Kar is:
  • Syvisan = 38.278
  • Kvaltir = 29.354

67.632 Individuals

Military numbers (maximum military numbers AT ANY TIME is 15% of your total population)

peacetime numbers: 7.686
wartime numbers: 9.270

The Natural and Processed goods of Devith'Kar are:
[ Total points available: 8 ]
[ Total points used: 8 ]
Grains = 1 point
Iron Ore = 1 point
Cattle = 1 point
Horses = 1

Leathers, Pelts and Furs = 2 points
Blacksmithing = 2 points
Please summarise the status of natural and processed goods, and describe what your Holdfast lacks here
 The Kvaltir make their living raising livestock and horses, taking their herds with them as they travel. Excess animals are sold to Khaganate merchants, who process them and sell the products, primarily as clothing. The Khaganate itself has commited its effort to the cultivation of the arable land along the river, raising vast farms to feed their people. Styling itself in the image of its forebearers, it also maintains mining outposts that dig deep into the hills of the Khaganates frontier, prying iron from the hillside to forge into weapons and armor worthy of mighty warriors.

The lack of building materials like lumber and stone has limited the Khatuns expansion to a minimum, and while this keeps the peace with the Kvaltir, it does little to satisfy the nobles of the seven houses bickering amongst themselves for what little land the Khaganate can truly call it's own. This is only amplified by the absence of fine luxuries and alcohol, leaving the disgruntled lords to live in what they perceive to be squalor.

(08-27-2023, 11:17 AM)Tenurium Wrote:  
The Holdfast of The Khaganate of Devith'Kar

[Image: mKP7SBc.png]

[Image: hvtcXJP.png]

Tenurium, your holdfast application has been accepted! In addition, this means that once your subforum is created by Aynia, ( Since unfortunately, I can't create subforums for y'all ) you are free to start roleplaying and worldbuilding your holdfast and it's occupants as you see fit.

In due time, Aynia will also put your holdfast on the official Roleplay map. I hope you come to enjoy your time in the official CS roleplay!

The Grand Bosun, Parcival MacDonnaugh, Voice of the Grand Admiral and Master of the merchant fleet

The Holdfast of Illios


“Sing, oh fae, of Illios of the silver steeds, from whence came the riders of the grassland and sea”

Illios is a small kingdom of Syvsie, whose origin is shrouded in mystery. If you were to ask them, they’d cite the Book of Voyages and how Gereint the giant rose from the seas in his chariot, pulled by horses made from ocean foam. They’d tell you how he raised the white walls of Gwenn and ruled for hundreds of years, and his rule was fair. The true history of the Illimanne, the people of Illios, is hidden under pages and pages of myth and legend, something of which they are proud. For, you see, Illios is a land of tradition. The tales of the giants, of the war on the fae, of the great warrior Cú Caen are passed down from generation to generation less as religion, more as fact. Such are the ways of Illios. Stories, horses, and ships. The Illimanne are riders by trade, and their famed silver steeds are, along with fishing and sailing, most of their livelihood. The Illians thus have a very strong connection to the sea, for they depend on it to live. It is also the sea who gifted them the horse. Thus, they worship it as Caetos, the great mother-father. Most of the population of Illios is human. You might see pockets of fair folk here and there, but whilst they are welcome in the lands of the Illmanne, they are a rare sight. The Illmanne usually keep to themselves, and while they are  not hostile to outsiders, they take pride in their ways and might be wary of those who seek to change them. Illimanne are fiercely loyal to their land and their High Lord, but are not above bending the knee to follow those they deem worthy. Whilst Illios is mostly peaceful, it is also capable of defending itself, and those who’d want to break the “Riders of the Grassland” might find themselves facing a cavalry charge, and the business end of a lance. All in all, 3 words can sum up Illios fairly well: Myth, Riders, and the Sea.

How is Illios governed?

Illios is governed by a High Lord, and a council of all the lords that pledge allegiance to him. The reason the High Lord takes such a name, rather than “King” derives from the idea that Gereint the Giant, the mythical founder of Illios, will one day return and claim their kingdom again. Thus, all rulers after him are just stewards.

Whilst the High Lord is the highest authority in Illios, his power is far from absolute. The High Lord (or Lady) is highly dependant on the house Lords that make up their council. The High Lord is determined by primogeniture, regardless of gender, and serves more as an executive power than an autocrat. Decisions are made final by the High Lord,with advice from the council, but making choices that go against the general consensus of the lords is not advised. Lords have the option to withdraw allegiance, or, in events of war, not provide their army if they feel the casus belli is lacking. Whilst tradition and loyalty stops most lords from actively seceding, it is not rare for High Lords to seek compromises that benefit all ruling houses in order to avoid conflict.

Another important player is the Speaker of Waves, the highes position in the Illisfate, the ocean worshipping religion of Illios. Whilst the High Lord can technically overrule their authority, he runs the risk of their heir being barred from going throught the Baptism of Salt or other rites important to the Illisfate, which in turn might gain them the disdain of other lords or the general populace. Thus, angering the Illisfate is a dangerous game.

Finally, matters of justice are settled by judges, which are appointed by house lords to preside over their lands. Who actually handles matters like incarceration and executions, however, is the Illisfate, for Caetos gives life and is therefore the only one who can justly take it. Prisoners who receive the penalty of death are taken by church officials to a particular place of worship and execution in Ava, where they are thrown from a cliff into the ocean. Since the voyage to Ava can take days at a time, it is believed the voyage helps the prisoner reflect on and atone for their transgressions.

The population of Illios is mostly Syvsian. Population density is low, with most of it being scattered across the hills and farmlands that make up Illios, and some concentrating in the capital of Gwenn as well as the forts and castles of other houses. Sidhé populations exist, although scattered across different villages or cities, with rare mostly Sidhé settlements on the coutryside. Merfolk are rather rare, due to the intensive maritime activities of the Syvsie and land (or rather, ocean) use disputes driving them away. Latest census goes as follows

The Population of Ilios is:

         Syvsis  = 40,387
         Sidhé = 5,674
         Merfolk = 85

Total= 46,146

Military numbers (maximum military numbers AT ANY TIME is 15% of your total population)

peacetime numbers: 3,230
wartime numbers: 6,921
The goods of Illios mostly deal in animal husbandry, agriculture, and fishing. Most structures in Illios are wooden, with mining among them being near non existent, this including quarries. Common crops for the Ilismanne are wheat, cotton, and barley. They also have a strong ship manufacturing industry, and are regarded as skilled tailors and weavers.

The Natural and Processed goods of Ilios are:

Total points used [8]

Horses = 1 point
Fish = 1 point
Agricultural foodstuffs = 1 point
Cotton= 1 point

Ships = 2 points
Textile goods=2 points

Illios, the land of the silver steeds, home to the riders of grassland and sea. Proud of their traditions and their legends, the Illismanne worship the Ocean mother-father and tend to their land, loyal to the King that once lived and ruled, before sinking beneath the waves.

Your holdfast application has been accepted! You can find your holdfast subforum by clicking here. Have a great time!

[Image: Letter-to-the-CEC-Emhain.jpg]
To the honourable representative of the Crown Estate Commission,
[Image: IMG-8737.jpg]
We, the Nírenethil (Marsh Elves) community of Emhain wish to apply for the designation as a Holdfast.

We are but poor pacifist agrarian Elves that have called The Marshes our home for generations, however we sense the changes in the wind and fear our time in self-imposed isolation has placed our community in great risk. We implore that you grant us the status as Holdfast so that we may be granted the ability to defend our homeland. Our economy has still much to grow, however we do herd and milk our Kasogonagás (Giant Capybaras), forage for swamp berries, peat, swamp metal ores, fungi, and honey, and even grow our own lotuses and edible reeds. We also have a highly developed chandlery industry and would be excited to trade with the other holdfasts, once ties have been established. Our Mounted blowpipers and bolas warriors are specialized in wet-terrain shock & retreat combat. Our small reed-made homes float atop the marshes.

[Image: IMG-8641.jpg]

Our history
We ousted our enslavers from this land countless years ago in the Great War of the Marshes. Unfortunately, we do not have records before we were enslaved for our captors forbid us to even speak to our progeny. However, thanks to the heroic acts of our men, women, and hijras we were able to carve out our own refuge; in which peace, meditation, free love, equality, kindness, and shared-ownership may prosper under the guidance of our divinely-inspired matriarchal priestesses.
Our traditions revolve around celebrating our ancient fertility goddesses Satjananaïa's and Kutjananaïa's embrace and love for each other. Their imunu gives life to all things under the Sun and Moon.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-12-29-at-08-43-41.png]

We normally lead peaceful lives where we enjoy the simple things in life. Our way of life can be described as Hedonistic-Altruism and was prescribed to us by one of the leaders of our revolt, Šoon Nunoku Venahu.

[Image: IMG-8712.jpg]

The Council of the Matjis
The Matjis are our matriarchal community leaders, and are chosen by the community for their kindness, arbitrational skills, gentility, and devoutness to Kutjananaïa and Satjananaïa. The Matjis and their apprentices serve as communal judges and ceremonial leaders. They also lead the full-moon meditation dances every month. 
In times of strife, the Matjis may select either a Toki (War-leader) and/or a Loñko (Strategy-maker), who may temporarily make any rules or changes to the community until the Matjis deem the threat over. 
[Image: IMG-8636.jpg]

We number at 42.821 according to our latest census, with about a 1/3 of the population living in their own floating islands in close proximity to the main floating island of Sassaleïagorana (14.653). While Faleïagorana, Moreïagorana, Findeïagorana, and Gureïagorana are the other main floating reed islands. 

We can safely rely on 350 expertly trained mounted blowpipers & bolas warriors, 650 archers, 1200 spearmen, and a 280-strong guild of defensive architects that specialize in creating traps in the marshes.

Natural and Processed Goods
Kasogonagás (Giant Capybaras; "Swamp Horses") = 1 point
Agricultural foodstuffs (Marsh berries, Lotus flowers, Edible Reeds, honey, oysters) = 1 points

Kasogonagási Yoghurt, Reed Bread biscuits, Fermented honey wine = 2 point
Wicker baskets & Wicker furniture= 1 point
Salt (Food Preservative) & Peat (Fertilizer) = 1 point
Exquisite Wax Candles = 2 points

[Image: IMG-8579.jpg]

[Image: mKP7SBc.png]

[Image: hvtcXJP.png]

Emhain, your holdfast application has been accepted! In addition, this means that once your subforum is created by Aynia, ( Since unfortunately, I can't create subforums for y'all ) you are free to start roleplaying and worldbuilding your holdfast and it's occupants as you see fit.
In due time, Aynia will also put your holdfast on the official Roleplay map. I hope you come to enjoy your time in the official CS roleplay!

The Grand Bosun, Parcival MacDonnaugh, Voice of the Grand Admiral and Master of the merchant fleet

The Holdfast of Huld
⠀⠀⠀Shiva Om

Huld comes from the Proto-Luth word hludh, meaning “brave.” The kingdom itself was named after the first king, Huld Hadrai. 

[Image: yY2WIdC.jpg]
Please introduce your Holdfast down below
The Kingdom of Huld is a kingdom of entirely Syvisans, with history that traces back to the Age of Bronze, and the land itself had been settled even before that. The Luth of Huld, who have lived there for many centuries, have kept to themselves and maintained a relatively isolated existence for long before the current era. The Kingdom is ruled by a monarch with absolute power, and itself consists of seven “petty kingdoms,” or Dukes, who each control their own domain. The King of Huld is also titled King of the Luth. The King of Huld and the Luth is Brun (King) Asīðan Hātaī.

Please give a description as to how your Holdfast is governed
The Kingdom of Huld is governed by minor Dukes and Petty Kings on the local level, but the greatest authority belongs to the King of Huld.

Delete everything up to ( and including ) the mention of Custom Races if you are not introducing any

The population of [ Insert Holdfast Name Here ] is:
  • Syvisan = 41,241

= 41,241

Military numbers (maximum military numbers AT ANY TIME is 15% of your total population)
peacetime numbers: 5%
wartime numbers: 12%

The Natural and Processed goods of [ Insert Holdfast Name Here ] are:
 [ Total points available: 8 ]
                                                         [ Total points used: 8]
Cattle = 1 point
Sheep  = 1 point
Cotton = 1 point
Wheat = 1 point
Wool clothing = 2 points
Leather = 2 points
Please summarise the status of natural and processed goods, and describe what your Holdfast lacks here
While the flat plains and rolling green hills allow for lots of agricultural work, the country is essentially dry when it comes to any type of ore or gems, which is a hindrance to the coinage and armor/tools needed for warfare, which has become increasingly high in demand. 

Please give a very brief (a sentence or two) overview of the Holdfast
Huld is the center of the Luthian world, whose history is old and long-winded, established in the 92nd year of the 4th Era. Most of the people live in the agricultural city of Huld, with the rest of the population living in cities close to the capital. The other kingdoms are far more rural than Huld. It is ruled by Brun (King) Asīðan Hātaī, brun ʃka huld xœ ki luth (king of Huld and the Luth.)

I am happy to let you know that your holdfast application has been accepted! You can find your subforum here.

A Report Concerning The Grand Sorcerer Kingdom of Myrad
Written by Agrok Kazmel on behalf of the Bismuth Clan Guilds in Myrad⠀

This is the Bismuth Clan Expedition's report to the Crown Estate Commission, regarding our expedition's progress in settling the previously thought to be desolate lands of Myrad and the fortunes and misfortunes we have suffered here.
Only a few years ago our expedition set out from the Queensland towards the lands we now know as Myrad, after our prospectors reported finding huge quantities of tetrahedrite in the hills there. Upon our arrival we began construction of two settlements, one in the hills meant to protect our newly established mines there, as well as to query stone for the construction for both settlements, and one on the coast meant for processing of the ore into silver and copper goods and then for shipping said goods back to the Queensland for trade. A few months after we first landed we learned that the land upon which we had settled was not as desolate as we had thought, local gnoll tribes started attacking our settlements and the convoys bearing ore between them. We had originally thought the land to be largely uninhabited but upon our scouts going further inland we found that it is in fact inhabited by a large number of different gnoll tribes. In the beginning the attacks of the local gnolls was only a minor if costly inconvenience, even if all of our attempts to broker some sort of peace with them had been quite literally laughed off by them. Not long after our mining operation were truly up and running an enormous army of gnolls, led by strange monstrosities laid siege to our cities. The monsters, which we later learned were called beasts of Myrad by the gnolls, demanded that our cities pay tribute to their tyrant queen lest they raze our newly founded settlements and drive us back into the sea. Our leaders felt we had no choice but to comply with their demands, and in fact this has not been too bad for business as being under the protection of these monsters dissuades at least some of the gnoll tribes from attacking us. Since we became subjects of the beasts of Myrad we have learned much more about the land and the monsters that inhabit it, leading to this report to the Crown Estate Commission, because although the tyrants of Myrad do not bow to anyone least of all the seasonal court, we still thought that the Queensland should know about the land in which we now live.

[Image: Vra735F.jpg]

A short overview

Myrad, or as the local rulers call it The Grand Sorcerer Kingdom of Myrad, is a dangerous and inhospitable land ruled over and inhabited by creatures most civilized folk would consider monsters. Its faraway jungles are inhabited by chaotic ape-men, its vast wastelands and scorching savannas are stalked by cackling gnolls, and its cursed hills are ruled over by large fur covered, scaly monsters only known as the beasts of Myrad. Our two dwarven cities straddle the edge of the holdfast and are the only place in Myrad where one might find any sort of hospitality. Dangerous magic is rampant in Myrad, and large parts of the hold are cursed or drained of life due to the exploits of the many sorcerers who have fought for control of the holdfast throughout its history. Our holdfast is perhaps best known in the rest of the Warren for being a large source of silver, bronze, and billon.

Governing and leadership of Myrad

Though the rulers of Myrad refer to it as a kingdom it is only one nominally as it does not have a single ruler who has control over all of its territory. Instead the holdfast is carved up into dozens of ever changing fiefs ruled over by tyrants and warlords. The majority of Myrad is ruled by so called Sorcerer Tyrants, many of which have no magical ability what so ever, the title is used because it harkens back to some great beast of Myrad who ruled all of Myrad in the distant past when it was unified. Essentially all of the Sorcerer Tyrants are beasts of Myrad. One might think that being calleds tyrants would be seen as an insult, but the beasts of Myrad see nothing wrong with tyrannizing their subjects, indeed they see it as a sign of weakness not to. These tyrants have little care for actually ruling the lands they own, preferring to simply delegate all day to day ruling to local rulers. Of course should the tyrants come to visit their subjects they expect them to follow whatever orders they give and to satisfy their every whim, and most of them tend to regularly claim some sort of tribute from their subject, but they do not otherwise concern themselves with running their realms, instead caring more about opportunities to expanding them by fighting other tyrants.

The two dwarven settlements in Myrad are technically under the rule of a Sorcerer Tyrant called Yzandrin the Silver Sorceress, but apart from claiming annual tributes and sometimes levying dwarven workers and artisans for her own projects, she seldom takes any interest in ruling them. De facto the cities are ruled by a council of guild masters from the various guilds that now operate out of the two cities, making their decisions by majority vote.

The various gnoll and Gryti tribes are usually ruled by chieftains or warlords, most of which answer to one of the sorcerer tyrants, but a few of which are powerful enough or distant enough that none of the beasts of Myrad can or want to claim dominion over them.

Species and peoples of Myrad

Beasts of Myrad
The fey creatures known commonly as the beasts of Myrad are large monstrous creatures seldom seen outside of Myrad. The beasts stand on all four legs when they walk, their gait being most similar to that of a large cat both when walking and running. Standing on all four the beasts measure a little more than 2 meters at their withers, but if standing on their hind legs they may be closer to 4 or 5 meters in height. The bodies and necks of the creatures are covered in long fur, whilst their legs are hairless and covered in scaly plates. Both their scales and fur come in almost any colour one can imagine, and the colouration of both seem to be random rather than heritable. Both their fore- and hindlegs end in four digit claws, with their front paws looking and functioning closer to clawed hands than feet. Their necks are long and flexible, as are their tails. Their heads look humanoid with the face and ears of an elf, though their mouths are fanged maws and their noses are short snouts. The beast are generally very slender, and though they are comparable in size to the largest of horses they seldom weigh more than a ton. Despite their largely animal like looks, the beasts of Myrad are intelligent and are quite capable of both speech and magic. Their strength and speed are both considerable, and their scaly hides are extremely tough. The beast of Myrad hatch from eggs and are considered adult at around the age of 20. It is unknown if the beasts of Myrad ever die of old age, because almost all of them die violently long before the hypothetical natural end of their lives. It is safe to say that they can comfortably live a couple hundred years however, as some beasts of Myrad are known to be more than 200 years old.

The gnolls of Myrad are hyena like humanoids that inhabit the dry lands of the hold. They are a bit larger than humans, usually growing to be 2 meters tall, but have short legs and long arms relative to their body size. Their fur is usually some shade of brown, and commonly has black spots or stripes. Gnolls have powerful bites and they can gnaw through bone without much trouble. They have strong constitutions and can eat both bone and raw meat if needed. Gnolls usually live to be around 50 years old, though this is in part due to the harsh conditions they normally live in. Female gnolls are usually a bit bigger and stronger than male ones, and generally fill most important rolls in gnoll society.

Bismuth Clan Dwarves
The dwarves that inhabit Myrad settled there only recently having previously lived in the Queensland. Dwarves are generally stocky of build and usually stand somewhere between 1,2 and 1,5 meters tall. Male dwarves of the Bismuth clan are known for their long braided beards, and though most female dwarves can also grow beards it is considered fashionable to only grow out their sideburns. It is fashionable amongst all the dwarves in Myrad to grow out their hair and wearing it in large, wild and eye-catching styles. The dwarves of the Bismuth clan generally have dark hair, ranging between brown, black, and dark blue. Dwarves can normally live into their mid 200's, and a few have been known to reach 300 years of age. They see well even in the dark, and generally have strong constitutions. Like all dwarves, the dwarves of the bismuth clan love alcohol.

Ape-men of Gryt
The ape-men of Gryt, commonly referred to simply as Gryti, are a people of small monkey looking humanoids native to the jungles of Myrad. They usually stand somewhere close to 1,2 meters tall, and have long arms for their size as well as very long prehensile tails. Their bodies are almost entirely covered in fur, save for their faces, chests, bellies, fingers and toes. Their fur comes in a wide range of colours spanning most natural hair colours, and they often have patterns such as stripes or spots on their fur. Gryti are great climbers, and both their hands, feet and tails can be used for grabbing and manipulating tools and climbing in through trees. The Gryti have a strange ability that makes it so that magic makes them grow much larger than they would naturally, and for this reason Gryti mages are much bigger then their none magical counterparts. The most powerful of their mages grow to enormous proportions.

The population of Myrad is:

Beasts of Myrad = 500 (most of which are hatchlings)
Gnolls = 40000
Gryti = 30000
Dwarves = 5000
Various others = 100 (mostly humans and elves)


The various tyrants and warlords of Myrad have a surprisingly small "standing army" at most times, with each tribe perhaps having a few dozen professional soldiers, which mostly consist of charioteers amongst gnolls and heavily armoured clubmen amongst the gryti. The dwarves of the holdfast also have a small force of guards, who could function as soldiers in times of war. Sorcerer tyrants will usually also have a small retinue of elite soldiers, but during relative peacetimes there will be less than 1000 soldier in the entire holdfast.

Most of the holds military consists of levied gnolls and gryti, many of whom are quite skilled at warfare even if they are not professional soldiers, as skirmishes and raids between tribes are an everyday occurrences. Should all of the tyrants and warlords of the hold mobilize their forces, the total force of the hold might number close to 10000, mostly consisting of gnoll and gryti warriors. 

The Natural and Processed goods of Myrad are:

[ Total points available: 8 ]
[ Total points used: 7 ]
Tetrahedrite (copper and silver) = 1 point
Cassiterite (tin) = 1 point
Gemstones = 1 point
Jewelry = 2 points
Bronze arms and armour = 2 points

Myrad is rich in minerals and gemstones, indeed the abundance of ore in the ground of the holdfast is the reason the dwarves of the bismuth clan came to the holdfast at all. Both the dwarves and gryti of the holdfast do metalworking on a large scale, but mostly dwarven made jewelry, arms, and armour is exported to the rest of the warren.

Myrad is lacking good places to grow food, and especially the dwarven population is reliant on importing foodstuff. The sorcerer tyrants of the hold are also very interested in importing magical reagents.

Please give a very brief (a sentence or two) overview of the Holdfast:

Myrad is dangerous land ruled by cruel monsters called beasts of Myrad. It's savannas are home to warlike gnolls, and it's jungles are home to chaotic ape-men. Dwarven miners recently made their home on the coast of the holdfast, but they too bow to the savage tyrants who rule the land.

Extra notes:

Myrad as a whole does not recognize the authority of Seasonal Court or the Queensland, but the dwarves that live there do consider themselves subjects of the queen.

And once again Jazz is here to make *another* new holdfast! Yippeeeee! Okay anywho, here we go! :3

Entryway to the Crown Estate Commission

A steady echo of footsteps rang through the entry halls of the Crown Estate Commission, more marching than walking. Coming into view of the commissioners was a small group of people, no more than five, though few had ever seen their kind in these areas. Their armaments in black and gold, let alone the distinctly canine appearance their helmets sported, drew more than a few odd looks. On being met by the greeter, they halted and a single individual stepped forward.

Their armor was more ornate, glimmering slightly with the telltale signs of Elwydium enchantment, the helmet sporting an array of crests in gold. Once the greeter had finished their introduction this seeming leader of the group gave the others a nod, having them fall back to an at ease position by the entrance, before removing the ostentatious helmet.

As it turned out, the head underneath the helmet was equally canine in nature. A Ka’ata, to some a Cynocephalus, or simply Jackal. If she was aware of how much she might stick out among the others present in the room, she gave little sign of this. Instead she smiled, and in a somewhat stilted rendition of the common language of the Warren, as if it was only recently an acquired language, gave a perfectly polite explanation that no, she was indeed not in the wrong place, though appreciative of the greeter’s concern, and very much required an audience with the Magistrates.

Once allowed to the desk of a free Magistrate she bowed a cordially acceptable depth to the representative of the crown before introducing herself as Ifirhnarhshanaf Arailhumixak, envoy of the Order of Eleshaxhi to the Queendom, and here to present an official writ from the Council of Masters, requesting official recognition so that the peoples may work together in the face of the resurgent threat from Chaos. Though she understands that her people’s naming conventions are somewhat hard to pronounce to others, and thus she will also answer to Ifinaf, or simply Darkglove. A scroll was presented to the Magistrate, and upon unrolling it, fine calligraphy in ink shimmering in hues of gold was revealed.

“To the esteemed officers of Her Majesty Aynia, Seasonal Queen.

Greetings are extended, on behalf of Grandmaster Ita’ikaturnank Karhakotet, and her advising Council of Masters, in their capacity as the mundane representatives of the Goddess Eleshaxhi and enforcers of her will.

It is with relief that the Council of Masters of the Order of Eleshaxhi observes that the return of Chaos is treated as the dire news that it indeed is. Since time immemorial, our ancestors have prepared for this moment, and though we thought we must face it alone, our hope now is that we may find an ally against this threat to the very existence of our world.

Therefore we recognize your strength, and seek official recognition in the eyes of the Seasonal Queen. Though we have been skeptical of newcomers to these lands over the past age, we now see that you mean but to better this world in what capacity is available to you, and we hope we may stand together in the face of evil.

A brief report of the Order’s resources is listed with this document. A deeper cooperation must be built over time, and our envoys will be able to give a more detailed description as needed. Should our status be confirmed, our envoys will immediately begin preparations for establishing an embassy.

Our warriors stand ready to fight alongside yours. Together, we shall defend these lands from the abyss that once more dares to threaten us.

In the name of Eleshaxhi.”

The document closes out with a long list of signatures and titles, as well as a list of resources and a description of the Order’s holdings and people. Once done reading, Ifinaf informs the Magister that she will be eagerly awaiting the Commission’s verdict.

Info for actual application

Name: Order of Eleshaxhi

Introduction: the Order has dwelt in the arid lands of Alhamx Taklank since ancient times, building temples and desert fortresses while retelling stories of wars against Chaos. Up until the recent reemergence of this old foe they kept the Queendom at arm’s length, but have now started pursuing a more active diplomatic stance.

The holdfast is inhabited in an overwhelming majority by the Ka’ata, a jackal-like species descended from gnolls, and is ruled by a theocratic military order and its most senior officers. Grandmaster Ita’ikaturnank Karhakotet currently rules the order.

Structure of governance: a theocratic military order, foremostly governed by a Grandmaster and their assisting council of Masters, each being high-ranking warrior priests. Further down the ranks there’s a split between the clergy and military branches, where the clergy attends to the matters of state.

There is a subset of the population that lives in exile. While most of these do not survive long or end up rejoining the wider order after serving penance, some end up living in separate communities. Though these are diverse and often quite small, a larger overall system of exiles has emerged that governs itself as a contrast to the order, rejecting its strict hierarchy and staunch traditions in favor of a philosophy focused on liberty and equality.

Custom Races:
- Ka'ata: bipedal black jackals, descended from gnolls in the distant past. They have strong senses of smell and hearing, but otherwise possess largely the same capabilities as a baseline human. Their most unique trait is a high affinity for mind-affecting magic, mostly manifesting as a general sense of “vibes” and an intuitive understanding for others of their kind. Most are untrained and even unaware of this potential, leaving them open to manipulation from someone more well-versed in the arcane ways, which is also exploited by higher members of the order to maintain cohesion and obedience.

[Image: kaatawalk-1.png?ex=67d14ef6&is=67cffd76&...height=662]

Population composition: Though not necessarily xenophobic, the Order of Eleshaxhi has a strong preference for Ka’ata, and only members of this race can hold official rank within the order. Having been very isolated for a long time, they have grown accustomed to relying solely on their own kind and view outsiders with equal measures of curiosity and suspicion. Until recently, other races were mostly unheard of in the Alhamx Taklank, but following the emergence of the Queendom and subsequent broadening of diplomatic relations, some trade hubs have emerged as relative cultural melting pots where many of the other races of the warren can be seen.

Ka’ata often struggle while interacting with other races, finding significant cultural clashes in many aspects of daily life, not to mention their approach to conflict and war. Being a very traditional and honor-driven people, they often find the more individualistic or opportunistic cultures of the warren enigmatic and somewhat distasteful.

All values are approximate
Total: 84,000
Ka'ata: 81,000
Other: 3,000

Being governed by a largely martial religious order, a substantial portion of the population holds some position within the military structure, or at least has some level of martial training in their background. Conversely, many of the active duty military personnel do also have some other societal function beyond simply martial duties, such as a warrior priest conducting religious services, or a knight serving as both law enforcement and tutoring the next generation of order members. Only the prestigious Temple Guard formations remain focused solely on martial matters in peacetime.

Citizens that have undergone the order’s training but are no longer actively part of the order’s day-to-day operations are moved into a class of reserves, where they are allowed to keep their gear as well as some privileges still afforded to order members in exchange for being available to be called upon in case of emergencies or war. They are not part of any active fighting formation, but maintain a level of readiness through regular training and occasional participation in drills and exercises. They are tasked with keeping their home area safe in conjunction with standing forces such as knights and priests, and are more of a defensive element than something the order can draw soldiers from. However, should the regular order members take heavy casualties the reserves serve as a convenient manpower pool to draw qualified and often somewhat experienced mobilized troops from.

Approximate numbers:
- Standing army: 5,000
  • Temple Guards: 800
  • Order Knights: 3,000
  • Warrior priests: 1,200
- Reserves: 15,000

- Natural goods
  • Elwydium (Itakaul Likshqarhfank in the local tongue, or Itakaul for short, literally translating to "the glowing metal")
  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Sandstone
- Processed goods
  • Magical reagents (largely cut Elwydium crystals used as stores for magical energy)
  • Glass

Alhamx Taklank is an arid place painted in reds and oranges, with a quite complex geology. The surface layers of the desert consist of mostly sandstone as well as dust and sand with a high iron content. Since ancient times the Ka’ata have used the iron in the sand to forge their tools and weapons, and in the process of melting this ore have also created a strong tradition of glassworks. Deeper underground other minerals abound, particularly gold, which is used extensively for ornamentation, but also more recently to barter with outsiders. The land has also been blessed with Elwydium, which has long been used in a multitude of items and artifacts to power magical processes of various kinds. In fact, it is not too unusual to stumble upon ancient ruins in the desert that still bear its hallmark glow, indicating mechanisms still in operation despite their owners long since having moved on. However, should one indeed find a place such as this, it is best to at most observe its sights, for the Ka’ata do not take kindly to the robbing of their ancestors, and there is no telling what the warriors of old may have hidden away to safeguard their fortresses.

- Lacking goods
  • Wood
  • Food

However, there are also downsides to living in the Alhamx Taklank. Rainfall is sparse, and although it falls in great amounts on the few occasions that it does come, this is much too intermittent for any life to depend upon it. Thus, trees are a rarity across the territory, mainly occurring in oases or along the major river, though the main temples do maintain gardens stemming from their deep wells and the water they provide. None of these sources are however sufficient to fully meet the needs of the order and it has been a longstanding problem to acquire more wood. 

Food likewise is an issue for the same reasons. Although the order has a long tradition of irrigation and well digging, the fact remains that they live in a largely desertified area and cultivation will always be difficult outside of select areas. Any surplus has always been a luxury and the fickleness of the harvests has resulted in more than a few episodes of starvation across the holdfast’s history. Hopefully with the advent of more extensive trade networks this problem can be remedied.

Subforum description:
An order of religious warriors living in the deserts of Alhamx Taklank, focused around fortresses and temples hidden among the cliffs and dunes.

Final notes: The Order of Eleshaxhi does not officially swear loyalty to the Seasonal Queen and her Queensland, though they recognize its strength and gladly serve alongside it against the forces of Chaos. The Grandmaster and Council of Masters defer to the authority of the Seasonal Queen unless given good reason not to. 


Religious jackal people living in a desert like their honor a bit too much. They’re just Jedi I realize now, oops, but they got their hands on a book on egyptology and then also found one on bushido. Got that swish bling going, but help there's no food out here! Also the Queen is cool ig, but you’re not my real mom and can’t tell me what to do!

[Image: map.jpg?ex=67d20046&is=67d0aec6&hm=3ae2b...height=663]
aww frick m8 i bloodeh went an forgot the whole map didnt i eh

edit2: okay, so, i beansed up the eldwynium stuff a little, so basically this is what i was going for, a kind of crystallized magic type deal Tongue

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg?ex=67d20143&is=67d0afc...height=502]

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