The trip to the capital was uneventful aboard the personal ship of Lord-Captain Tattone, The Shining Wind, and the crew were incredibly bored by the time they got to their destination. Hushed whispers of the crew of the Commander's ship belied a sense of discontent, especially being so far removed from the rest of the Fleet, and the movement down to the Southern portal where the rest of the militant Lord-Captains had went, along with the Admiral and Bosun. These remarks were always made out of earshot and away from the Paladin, but sharp ears still hear much.
They had reached the port of Bastion in record time, however, and The Shining Wind was docked, anchored, and secured. "Well, Rose," Kelsey said, "I'd love to escort you to the palace and The Lord of Autumn, but I need to see the Harbormaster myself, talk to her, Fleet business, you see." The commander gestures to four armored guards, "These men will suit you well, my friend. I wish you the best in your reunion."
Surprisingly, the business with the Harbormistress was very quick. Incredibly quick. Kelsey was torn, she should probably venture deep into the capital, see if she can meet Rose, but then again, that was deep into Bastion. A city that-until recently-called for her head and the heads of her friends. She was a deserter, at least in the distant past, and she is now a Lord-Captain of the pirates that posed the greatest threat on the Queensland's seas for quite some time. And there was the tavern that she and Mackay had claimed for the Fleet when they first arrived. It had good ale and passable wine. Perhaps there she could have some stew, regain her strength. Then after one drink and some stew she could venture deeper into the city. Yes. After one drink, the captain decided, jauntily strolling to the tavern.
Maybe two drinks, for courage.
The tavern was lively as always. Dust motes drifting through the air shone in the beams of light coming through the dirty glass windows. The cacophony of voices could be heard as being comforting or overwhelming, depending on one's nature. The bar at the front of the tavern had a patron on every stool, and a lone guitarist sat in a darkened corner playing bawdy tunes that was occasionally peppered with a verse or two from the less than reputable song. It was a less than reputable place, however.
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The guitarist looked up from her instrument, blue eyes flashing around the room. Her wig was itching her something terrible, and the bard costume she wore was made to... enhance the form as it were. She thought it was ridiculous, but it did help with the disguise. She lifted a hand to her head, trying her best to scratch it while not pulling off the wig. 'It might be hot and humid and stinky in here, but I'm pretty excited that I came here.' she thought.
Just then she saw a woman walk through the tavern door, and figured that she had her chance. Her gamble worked. She couldn't let the Court know what she had planned, and she was sure Carrot would attempt to talk her out of it if he found out. She was here, however, and none of them knew that. It meant she could pursue her plans without interruption. They also could not know how... extensive her plans truly were. To put the Fleet on a leash would be a feat, but she felt she could strike a more than adequate deal. They were the most powerful Fleet in the Warren, as far as she knew of it, and she couldn't afford to have them not on her side. She couldn't afford a single setback at this point in time.
She saw the woman order her drink and move to a corner table with a good view of the door. It was perfect, and she needed to make her move before the Lord Captain become overly drunk. Holding the guitar but ceasing her song, she stood up and walked to the table where Kelsey was sitting. She wondered how good her disguise was, especially to the sharp eyed Lord Captain. Sliding into the chair in front of her, she gave her a grin and a wink. "Bounding over mountains and leaping over hills she comes, my chosen one, desiring to speak to me..." Her face grew more serious. "If you will, I have something of utmost importance to discuss." She set the guitar in front of her and leaned in a bit, hoping that she doesn't ruin her own plans.
The Lord-Captain Kelsey prowled into the tavern, flanked by her various mates and masters who immediately spread throughout the establishment. Whatever business that Kelsey and her small council had could wait for a while. After all, there were women to woo and whiskey to drink. Kelsey took a pint of ale to a table in the corner with a clear view of the door. An armored mate sat next to her and leaned in, murmuring quietly to the Lord-Captain as she sat and drank.
As the guitarist stopped playing, there were sounds of discontent from the other Fleetmen that were drinking, but that died down as they saw the guitarist boldly approach the Lord-Captain. For her part, Kelsey made a small gesture to bring peace to the armored sailor at her side. "I must assume that you are clever, as you are not who you seem," Kelsey said, "but I know not who you are. By your words you know of me, thus you should know that my table is one of invitation, not one you chance upon."
The Lord-Captain took a drink of her pint and made a small gesture to dismiss the armored sailor, who left reluctantly, still fingering the iron blade at his hip. Kelsey regarded the "guitarist" in front of her, "however it is early in the night, and I'm bored. Speak your piece and speak it quickly, even my boredom has its limits, and mysterious false bards are only so interesting."
The "guitarist" would feel the gaze of every sailor in the tavern, who were watching her and each other in equal measure. If this were to get physical, the tavern would surely be knocked down. For the rest of the bar that aren't as clever, they saw a very bold guitarist approaching an incredibly powerful, incredibly deadly, and incredibly notorious woman.
This was not going exactly the way Aynia had planned. She thought she could slip quietly in the seat and strike up a private conversation, but it seemed to have not been meant to go that way. She could feel a number of eyes burning into her. She didn't want to take off the disguise, but she needed to be legitimate enough to get to her point. But first she needed to get the Lord Captain to a place they could talk more privately. She thought for a minute and locked eyes with the woman.
"We'll still make them fear, and we'll still make them flee, and drub 'em on shore, as we've drubb'd 'em at sea." She grinned and continued her toying. "It's said your fleet is the greatest the Warren has ever known, yes?" She began to inspect her nails as she spoke. "Rumour has it the Queen has been in talks with the Fleet, and perhaps is thinking of more... long term plans. You could say I've been sent to collect you to speak with her. But first I need to share some information with you in a less public space. I've a room upstairs, if you'd like to accompany me? It won't take long and we can be on our way." She raised a questioning eyebrow and waited to see if the next stage of her plan would come to fruition.
"A messenger from the Crown, eh?" Kelsey took a dram of her pint. "You had my interest, but now you have my attention." She grinned hungrily, with a glint of greed in her eyes, "However, my friend, I'll need to see some proof you are who you claim to be." She leaned in over the guitar and stared Aynia dead in the eyes, the playfulness gone from her expression.
"If you are a Laxtavitan spy, you're being very bold after you burned our town and took one of us once. I dare say if you try to do that once more, you shan't be seeing the next sunrise." Kelsey made a gesture to the broader tavern. "As you can see, I brought friends along. But I'm happy to find a room here to talk with you privately. That is, of course, if you are who you claim to be."
Aynia grinned largely back at the woman. She knew all she had to do was take off the wig and pull the amulet from her pocket and no one in the tavern would touch her, but she decided to bide her time and used the letter she prepared.
"You could say I may be the greatest spy of them all, my dearest Lord Captain. But I understand the need for surety. I was told to give this when asked for proof of my service to our Queen. I dare say there can be none more loyal to Her Majesty than myself." She snickered before she could catch herself and pulled a small piece of rolled paper from her dress pocket to hand to the woman. "This should be all the proof you need."
The note was sealed with the royal wax seal and it appeared completely legitimate. Once opened it revealed a handwritten message that read:
My Dearest Lord Captain,
The woman before you is on a direct mission from myself, Her Majesty Queen Aynia Elizabeth Celeste Moreaux, with aims of contacting a Lord Captain of the Bloody Fleet regarding an arrangement sought by myself on behalf of the Warren. Please allow her to explain in private as to my personal request.
Yours Truly,
Aynia Moreaux
Kelsey inspected the letter carefully, taking care-and a flashing dagger that appeared from somewhere-to gracefully lift the seal and read the contents of the letter. She hummed appreciatively and took another drink. "I'm inclined to believe that you are as loyal as you claim." She arched an eyebrow at the snickering, and had a soft smile in reply. "This is indeed all I require to trust you, for now." She looked away from her newfound informant and made a gesture at the mate that had sat with her. Immediately there was a release of tension as the gathered Fleet sailors averted their attention from the table, sensing that the threat had passed. Kelsey rose from her seat, and tossed a handful of gold onto the bar, and taking a key from the landlord behind the bar. She made a gesture for Aynia to follow her to a room on the second floor of the tavern, functional if not finely appointed.
"Very well, strange spy. Tell me what I must know, now that we are in a more... comfortable environment." The blades on her hips stood out against her frame, but she did not reach for them just yet. She appeared to be ready to retaliate, but trusting enough of the words and proof offered her.
Aynia took a look around the room. She supposed this would be extravagant for a pirate but she'd fired more than a few decorators for better than this. Regardless she was relieved to have a chance to at least shed the wig. With a slump of her head she reached up and pulled it off. Underneath was revealed to be long, straw blonde hair that had been styled into curls and tucked up under the wig to hide her true hair. As she shook her head a bit the curls fell down, and she tossed the wig on a nearby chair.
She gave her curls a run through and her ice blue eyes looked at the Lord Captain sharp and assessing. Her exhaustion was clear despite the carefully presented expression. She let out a breathe and plastered a smile on her face as she joked, "Thank Dea that wretched thing is off." She reached into a skirt pocket and pulled out her amulet, casually wrapping it around her neck and clasping it.
"Now if you will pardon me I must apologize for what must be shock, realizing who I really am. If by small chance there's not a face to my name please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aynia Moreaux." She thought for a moment before walking up to the woman and extending a hand. "A gesture of friendship." Her smile genuine at this point, as she was feeling rather proud of her successful rouse. "I mean no harm."
The momen the wig came off, there was a cold feeling that stabbed into the stomach of the lord Captain. That's... that's the queen. The sinking, burning, damned queen that I talked to down there. She tried to keep the fear from her face, but her eyes were still much wider than they had been before. Kelsey Tattone, Lord-Captain of The Bloody Bay Fleet, had just threatened to kill the Queen of the entire Warren, and threatened to haver slain by a mob of Fleetmen, no less.
Kelsey gulped, remembering the three Lord-Captains that had been given to the queen and then executed by the Bosun. If she were to be imprisoned, she did not know who she feared more, the Queen, or the wrath of the Bosun who was nominally bound by the laws of the Queensland-even though she knew he did not care to follow them if they inconvenienced him. "My-my queen," she says, "of course I recognize you, how could I not?" She made a sheepish curtsy in her gambeson, before cautiously taking her hand and giving it a timid shake. "It is I who must apologize to you! You must understand that I had no idea who you were, and well...being who we are, cautiousness and crassness go hand in hand. I am ever so sorry to threaten you, I would never have done that had I known who you were."
Aynia continued the big smile. "I have to admit that was... a thrill. It would be nice to hold onto it a while but unfortunately we have serious business I cant afford to forget. Will you sit with me?"
She walked to the nearby table and sat on one of the chairs, pouring herself a glass of liquor and taking a sip. She poured another glass and slid it across the table. When they both were sitting she continued, "I have a proposition for the fleet. My only requirement is that you keep this conversation confined to relevant parties. Can I trust your discretion?"
Kelsey was still shaken, "thank you for understanding, my queen," she said between shaky breaths, and sat across from Aynia gratefully, glad to be off her slightly shaky legs. She grasped the glass tightly and looked into the amber liquid before taking a large sip to steel herself. "Thank you," she said as the glass was slid to her. "Of course you have my discretion, my queen," she said, laying the grovelling on thick. "I am, as all the Fleet is, at your service. We are happy to hear your proposition."
Kelsey paused for a moment, lost in a sudden thought, "if I may, my queen," she said, "why me? Why not summon the Bosun or the Admiral to hear your proposition? The Bosun especially has a wide knowledge of the Fleet's business and its abilities. I am just the commander for the Blackblades."
Aynia took a sip and a twinkle came into her eye. She probably needed to get the woman to relax a bit, and serious talk was most likely the best way to go about it in her mind. Of course, her next words were sure to excite any Fleetman, so she began her explanation.
"You are exactly who I need, and that's why you are exactly who I have. You command the Blackblades. You are the answer to my problem." She smiled sweetly and began to lay it on thick.
"Chaos is spreading us thin, you know this. We cannot afford any issues or distractions, yet these pirate rebels are taking advantage of the situation." She looked annoyed speaking of the problem pirates. "They are sacking ports, stealing supplies. They know I can't have soldiers everywhere at once, and they're running a muck. My proposition for you, my dear Lord Captain, is to solve my problem for me." She began to run a finger around her glass, a very faint crystalline ringing could be heard, yet it almost sounded like a chorus. Some would say it was almost mesmerizing, but then she locked eyes with the Commander and sat very still for her next words.
"You will have free reign to do as you please with these... offenders to the Crown. Hunt them down, take them out, just cause no damage to innocents. Any ships you have to spare are free to loose on them all. Of course, whatever you are able to salvage is yours. I won't argue a bit of the spoils every now and again, but have the Fleet arm itself with the weapons and ships of our enemies. I would like to see them taken care of as soon as possible so they will cease to be a thorn in my side." She said the last sentence with a look of disgust and frustration on her face.
"How do you feel about these terms?" she asked expectantly.
Kelsey grinned slightly in the compliments, and cocked an eyebrow as she sipped her glass of liquor. "Well, if it is I and my blades you desire, then I shall be happy to oblige." She leaned back as she listened to Aynia's remarks. "Aye, we have been spread very thin, or, more accurately, we are committing ourselves whole-heartedly to the southern portal by the coast." Her eyes gained a hint of anger as her lip curled, "you are also right that there have been some that are taking advantage of this. Without our usual... attention to sea routes, it appears that we have some aspirants wishing to claim our title." Kelsey spits, "and Laxtavita wishes us dead more than ever." Liquor plied her tongue, made her speech much freer about those she despised. "I think that since we have become recognized, that paltry polis of Avanroa sees us as more of a threat."
Her eyes widened when she heard the terms, recognizing the opportunity that this became for the Fleet. "I can certainly agree to this opportunity, my queen!" She grinned widely, eagerly, hungrily. "I am sure that your enemies will fear to sail the seas. I think we have some ships in reserve, at least two more Seafangs and ten more Songbirds, not nearly enough. But until the Silver Paw has the Southern Portal, it will have to be done." She looked at the queen now, appraisingly, "and you would place no constraints on us? Give us free reign of the seas as long as we do not harm the loyal citizens of the Crown?"
"Loyal or not, all deserve to be free of terror. Those who will cause peaceful creatures terror deserve to reap terror for themselves." She thought a moment and continued, "What kind of Queen would I be if I only ruled based on someone's loyalty to me through force? I don't believe it'd work out well for any of us. But to answer your question, as long as the Fleet does not become barbaric in it's practices I can assent to the Fleet restraining themselves and handling situations properly. The blunt answer however..." She winked. "Cut loose, just not too loose. Your spoils are your own to do with what you will. Survivors may be used as deck hands until they are able to be brought to our prisons in the Capitol for judgment. However, I trust in your intuition of discipline along the way."
She leaned in closer and lowered her voice. "I am placing a gift in your hands. Do not think I don't know this. I have given the Fleet my trust, and I expect my trust to stay free of betrayal. This will be my only requirement while working together and I will speak of it only once." She chuckled and her face was immediately back to being filled with mirth. "Now that it's out of the way, we can go forward with confidence. If you will please draw up a list of available... resources, I would be most appreciative. I would also like to hear more about this Laxtavita. What say you?"
Kelsey nodded as she heard both the courtly answer, and the realistic answer. "That is acceptable. We shall endeavor to act in a manner befitting this responsibility." Inwardly she groaned, hearing that the survivors would need to be delivered to Bastion would cause some difficulty in routes, but then an image of a Chaser refitted to be a prison ship appeared in her mind. "We will be more than happy to dispense the Crown's justice and mercy on your behalf, as we and the Lord Captains we have surrendered to you benefit from." She kept an even face, but prayed inwardly that the three deaths had yet to come to Aynia's attention.
Kelsey leaned in as well, her eyes bright, "you have no fear from the Fleet, my queen. Your kindness to us will be repaid, and for as long as you do no harm to us, we shall serve as you desire. As long as you recognize the freedom that we hold dear, we shall ensure that your seas remain safe from interlopers."
At the request of the list of resources, Kelsey blushed, "my queen, I must confess that I have such papers with me, but they are aboard my vessel in harbor. Unlike the Bosun, my mind is not one for numbers. As I said, most of our resources are devoted to the siege, that is where my Blackblades lie, but all of us in our lands are skilled enough. As I said, our reserve ships are meagre but perhaps we can scrounge some things, our Forgemaster is very resourceful. Perhaps you could accompany me to my ship for the information you desire?" She paused a moment before spitting again, forgetting her company, "feh! What do you want to know of that city? It is an Avanroan seat of art and culture that has hated the Fleet for as long as we have been aligned with Avanroa. We often traded blows, the Laxtavitans are nothing like us but they do get lucky. They are getting bolder now, it appears, or more desperate. I imagine We'll send someone to their city as well."