Aynia's eyes narrowed as she listened to the woman speak. "Admittedly I have not been up to date with individual holdfast affairs like I normally am. This piques my interest, and I can't afford the Fleet to be stretched any further. If there is anything I may do within reason to aid you, please share with me." She met her eyes and gave a comforting smile. It seemed the woman was easily flustered judging by the deep blush appearing on her cheeks, and she didn't want to give the poor woman a heart problem. She stood and patted down her hair and smoothed her dress, walking to the door. "Otherwise I would love to accompany you, and I would love to hear more about the Laxtavitans and why they aren't under control." She stood by the door to wait and laced her fingers.
Kelsey rose from her seat, either not noticing or caring that Aynia was exiting without her disguise. As she rose to her feet, she sheathed the dagger she had produced. She stretched and grinned working something out of her muscles. "What's there to do with Laxtavita? If you make a royal declaration towards them, we will be seen as weak. Running and hiding under mummy's skirts."
As they left the tavern, Kelsey paid no attention to the sudden gasps and fear from the tavern, as they see the queen. "How can anyone control a merchant city?" Kelsey asked as they strode to the docks, "it's powerful and wealthy, and your knightly order that has resided there has been bought and bribed by their council." She grinned sourly, "and they are just as opportunistic as we are, my queen. But as you know, we are newly loyal to you and you have tasked us with corraling the southern portal. Because our attentions are elsewhere, they burned our Larger Dryland somewhat, luckily there were no deaths, but they attempted to kidnap our dear Lord Captain Brava, who you may or may not know as perhaps our kindest Lord Captain. they cut her hair and bound her chest to make her appear to be a cabin boy, and ruined her fine clothes that night." Kelsey glared out at the water as they got close to the Soaring Coin. "What would you have us do, my queen? I am sure you understand our bloodlust in this affair."
Aynia's eyes narrowed sharply at learning of the Lord Captain Brava's torment at the hands of the Laxtavitans. "Unacceptable. What has been done to rectify this?" She thought a moment before she raised an eyebrow at Kelsey. "I must not and will not make any sort of declaration. However if these... heathens have not paid a price yet I would be amenable to help. Discreetly." She looked out at the sea and schooled her face into an expressionless mask, seemingly pulled into thought. "I can only do so much with the currently limited resources I have, but eventually those resources will return."
"We have dealt with the kidnapper and his accomplices," Kelsey said, "they shall not trouble the Warren anymore. The Bosun has assured the Council that he will have one of his guildmasters in Avanroa address the Laxtavitan Council to ensure that we are... understood." Kelsey helped Aynia up the gangplank, and into a large cabin below the helm, where there was an enchanted map on a table, showing Fleet ships slowly move across it, and a stack of papers. "I am sure that once the war is won, my queen," Kelsey remarked as she rifled through the various pages, "then you will be able to preside over the trifles of us annoying nobles with our aged feuds." She looked up from her pages and gave Aynia a wink and an impish grin. "How happy that will be," she said.
"Ah! Yes, we have ten Chasers still Chasing serpents for our stores, they can be recalled, we have five galleys, ten Seafangs, and fifteen Songbirds that have been approved by our Forgemaster-well, he's our master artisan-as ready for combat. We also have fishing boats and smaller craft, but those are, well, inconsequential to excursions." Kelsey looked up again at the queen. "How does that sound, my queen? How many should I have mustered?"
Aynia grinned. "Oh how I shall rejoice that day. It'll be a proper party and you'll all get sick of me before long." Chuckling to herself she perused the map before pointing. "This area seems to be the worst hit." she said, putting her finger over the jutting piece of land north of the Winter Grove. "I would ask you to start there and work your way around the coastline from here to here," she moved her finger along the coast. "Bring any survivors unwilling to serve straight to Bastion and then we can discuss further moves. This area seems to also be the biggest band of ruffians we've found. If we're able to cut them down it'll send a message that hopefully starts to quell this blatant piracy and the taking of innocent lives."
Kelsey nodded confidently, "consider it done, my queen. We are happy to serve. Especially when it benefits us. We shall teach these foolish upstarts who truly rules the seas." She grinned as she surveyed the map. She laughed a little at a thought, than covered her mouth. "I'm sorry my queen, it's simply... You must admit, it is amusing, The Fleet safeguarding the seas."
Returning to her business like attitude, she looked at Aynia. "I will give the summons to our reserves, my queen. Just as soon as I have in my hand an order with your seal giving us the licenses you have promised. I trust you find that fair?"
Aynia grinned slyly. "It is an impressive deal, is it not? I find it to be quite mutually advantageous." She stood and went over to knock on the door her for her handmaiden, waiting outside. Kelsey could hear her low voice but there was no way to hear what was being said. She walked away from the door to a small writing desk against a wall. She sat down and pulled out a piece of parchment from a drawer and opened the roll top to access the ink bottle and quill. She took a moment to write out a receipt. Not long after she finished writing her handmaiden came back with a box. Aynia took the box and her parchment back to the table in front of Kelsey. She took her supplies out of the box and applied a wax seal to the parchment before cooling it and handing it to Kelsey.
"I assume this will meet your needs?"
I, Seasonal Queen Aynia Moreaux, do hereby grant authorization for The Bloody Fleet to act as a protector of Caer Sidi. They agree to move upon my orders to quell the piracy and Chaos ravaging our seas. They may not bring harm to any innocent civilians, and any and all prisoners will be delivered to Bastion post haste, upon threat of revocation and punishment by the Crown.
At the bottom of the parchment the seal could be seen in a dark teal wax.
Kelsey grinned as she took the receipt, and sat down at the desk, taking the seat Aynia had taken and began writing her own order.
To the Scriptorium's acting master of numbers,
Summon the reserves and send them northward to the coast of the Grove of Winter, where there be sailors thinking they can take the Fleet's repute. Teach them the error of our ways, take their ships, and send them to Bastion in chains. Attached is a license to do just that. We have become the Queen's arm on the seas.
She then stepped out of the cabin, and blew a whistle. As she entered into the cabin once more, she was followed by a man in scarlet robes, bearing an iron amulet in the shape of a compass rose with an eye eerily similar to the one set in the Admiral's armor. Kelsey handed the receipt and her order to the Navigator. "Get this by Tross to the Scriptorium at once. Queen's orders." the mage bowed, and left the cabin.
Once business was concluded, Kelsey escorted Aynia off her ship, and bowed deeply, "It has been a pleasure, my queen. I'm happy to be of service to such a generous monarch."