The Malysian Explorer

(Since this place makes up for The Queensland ima guess this includes Chail where most of this post is gonna take place in.)

A sudden movement awoke the explorer throwing him off his chair and down to the deck floor "We hit land!" Said the officer of the ship as he went up to the deck "Took awhile" Said angel getting up "Welp Mr. Solokov this is where we are dropping you off" said the officer as his soldiers put down a wooden board where Angel could walk on to get off the ship. He got his stuff and walked the ship to then look around the land. The looked down south he could see much apart from a lot of dark clouds if he looks right he could see a large city of sorts bigger than Malysias biggest city and if he looked left he won't see much as the world faded off his view. "Welp Angel see you in 3 days or as others say in 3 nights," said the captain as the boat rowed off the coast and turned around rowing away as the wind itself won't allow it to use its Jibbing.

Angel wasn't sure where to direct himself but decided to walk toward the city as it was the closest place to him and probably the safest to go towards. Using the coast to guide him closer to the city he soon stumbled upon a sign "Chail 30miles away" it said the sign Angel grunted as the distance seemed too much for him to support especially with the sun shining on him. But all suddenly a tune was heard from afar and from the dirt road leading to chail a person in a carriage came by Angel "Chail 30miles? Finally I've been traveling for weeks" said the man in the carriage then looked over Angel "Oh? Hello there going towards chail too?" He said, "Yes you travel too?" Angel said "Yes I do my gentlemen you seem to be a traveler too so I have an offer for you. My gallop here is faster than the wind(metaphor of the horse speed) and can last hours running so how about I offer you a ride along with me?" He said "Gladly!" Angel said. Angel got into the back of the carriage along with the man's stuff. And the man smacked the horse causing it to run

Finally, after around 1 hour, he and the men made it to the city of Chail as the sun began to rest and the stars appeared. He decided to get off the carriage and after a kind thanks you the men and Angel went their separate ways. As soon as he got off the carriage he decided to trade with someone using Malysian rubbles. "hello mister may I get exchanged water or anything drinkable?" Angel said showing him 1 Malysian rubble which is equivalent to 50cents in $ in Malysia. "What is this some sort of joke?" Said the seller "What do you mean Joke? What do you need 2 or 3 for water?" Said Angel to the seller "Oh ho ho you expect me to see value in whatever these are? Scram you useless man" Said the seller throwing the coin to the ground at Angel's feet. Angel was angry as he began to grip his weapon an ace(axe) but decided to try again to reason with the man on a price "How about 4" said Angela pulling more counts" "no" "How about five?" "no". He kept going and before it could escalate suddenly some events occurred causing him to get distracted or get his transaction shortly after.

Btw reader you should go read the " Exploring the unknown" in the Malysia forum for some context and probably better enjoyed it if you already did thanks.

A guard appeared at Angel's shoulder. "Is there a problem here my good fellows?" he said sternly, almost challenging. Before Angel or the vendor could speak, another voice was heard and a small woman pushed through to grab Angel's sleeve.  "I beg pardon, sir. My... Cousin is not from here. He doesn't understand the ways of this city. If you'll please excuse us!"

She tugged his sleeve forcefully, drawing him away from the vendor, leaving the man behind to complain to the guard. Once they were some distance away the woman turned to him. "Brand new here, huh? Well don't be picking fights your first day, you won't always have people like me to step in for you. Who am I you ask?" She bows with a flourish, her red curly hair flopping into her face as she looks up at Angel.

Dressed in trousers, boots, and a linen shirt she looked completely at ease in her chatter. "Well, my good sir, my name is Clarisse. And before you say anything," she raised a finger before continuing, "I accept your gratitude. Now tell me what you're here for." She looked on, interested.

Angel turned around losing grip of his weapons "Finally you see-" before he could say anything he suddenly go tagged from the cotton tunic above his armor and she said he was "her cousin" even though Angel had never seen or known her. But either way, he was pulled away from the guard and seller, and to not trip over he followed her.

"Hey what the hell?" And again before Angel could say anything she began to speak and said her name Clarisse Angel a bit impressed with her manners bowed to her. Angel introduced himself and explained why he was here "Well nice to meet Clarisse my name is Angel I come from up north across the ocean I was sent here to plan out a map of the area to be later used by other explorers like me," he said.

Angel wasn't sure whether to trust her or not but since she seems trustworthy and weak enough for him to take (in his eyes) her down so he didn't worry much.

Clarisse gave a large smile to the man. "Nice to make your acquaintance, but a map, eh? I happen to know Chail like my own backyard I do, because it is. Lived here since I was a small child. Haven't travelled much but I know Chail very well and Bastion well enough. I assume you'll be needing a guide?" She thought to herself for a minute but before he could speak she continued, "Well, I guess I could do it, if you really need it. I can't say I have anything better to be doing today. So it really wouldn't be a bother, I assure you."

She adjusted the pack on her back and turned back toward the street. "Well now that that's settled, follow me and I'll guide you around. Granted you may want to not rush yourself, Chail is no small city. I myself like to just take it slow sometimes and enjoy the city, you know?" She looked back to make sure he was keeping up with her brisk pace down the street. "We can stop every so often and I'll let you fill in your map. Right now we're in the West Valley, the closest part of the city to Bastion. We'll just follow the main road through the city, it'll be easiest."

"Thank you where I come from this kind of kindness is rare but either way shows me the way," Angel said as she began to walk he followed behind with quick space but he was already used to that kind of speed and followed close to her.

Angel "mhm" at her last few sentences concentrating more on his journal writing down the "west valley" in the journal looking around and drawing the best he could impress by chails architecture and size bigger than anything Malysia even bigger than Malysia capital chills went down his back thinking how small Malysia actually is. "So uh Clarisse what kind of place is Chail?" Asked Angel looking up at her still walking.

Clarisse's eyes went wide and she exclaimed, "Oh, boy. Well Chail is a little of everything you see! If you need it, you can either find it here or find someone who can get it. Is there anything you are looking for in particular? Like I said, I know Chail like the back of my own hand." She sees him scrawling in a notebook and takes her pack off her back. She pulls out an old folded up sheet of paper and hands it to him. "I... like making maps. I made a few for special occasions such as these. I am a fine map maker if I say so myself. But anyway, this will help guide you after I take my leave."

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