
Vi'ian has listened intently the entire time, and when she spoke, her soft voice was unmistakable for it had a heat that was both disconcerting, but calming. "In ancient days past, the place you call Aimsir Citadel, we the Hanvari called Yhteys, and it was our Capital. As the point from which this Red Knight exudes control over the forces of Chaos, and will march from. Retaking the Citadel is critically important to retake, and swiftly, lest the Red Knight continue to pull more forces from Chaosium. The Hanvari will contribute forces dedicated to retaking Yhteys, to honor our muinaiset esi-isät. We participate eagerly, for our culture is of survival, and war. It was our reality for so long, that becoming peaceful and sedentary is futile. So we'll commit an army of three thousand warriors to such an end. Some who are masters of weapons, and others of the lifefire. The rest of our warriors, will remain as defensive garrisons, at locations desired by this council."

Provisions... Lady Dholorh suddenly found herself rising from her seat. She suddenly began to feel very warm and lost her words, until she embarrassingly retook her seat and then began her lost sentence. "The...forests have never seen a famine, Your Grace. Ours is to reap, sow, and store; this is our art. Our surplus is mostly a dungeon's wealth of fruits flooding the granaries and we have plenty of medical supplies in our stocks to spare." the forester lady began to stammer a bit, as she once more bowed her head. "There is but one problem, Your Grace. We build no ships and hiring is expensive, however we will do what we must to carry our weight.  Yours is to command, our ours is to delight."

Dyllon M Corleone,
A yummy yummy avocado 


High Council Huron, and Prince Sota quietly enter the room after a briefing outside. 

"We are regrettably sorry for our late arrival. We have been briefed on what has been said. You certainly have our support and will faithfully serve as we are needed. Our people battle best in the water, assistance with navy operations would be the best utilization of our forces. Sea or river. Our hunters have reported change in behaviors of larger marine life, even in the deeper trenches of the Deepfathom area. We have ordered all squads and hunting parties to capture any new creatures dead or alive swimming in the oceans. We thankfully have not had any reports as of our departure. We will immediately notify of anything that is discovered new in the area.”  
Huron then Look and nods at his Prince, Sota.

The Prince speaks up with a confident tone. “We have 3000 we can offer, they are quick, and nimble fighters in water but can fight or spy on land if needed. Not the best with land combat but we can and will adapt to what is needed of us." After a pause His voice becomes softer "We will do whatever needed for the queen, the queendom, and everything loyal to her. Our people before contact were completely isolated and suffering, for what the queendom has done for us we will faithfully do what is needed to protect and preserve it, it is the very least we can do.” 

[Image: stand-sticker.png]

Deephaven Tigershark

As the meeting dragged on, reports slowly trickling in from the various holdfasts, Kiirweyä was growing restless. She wished to be off, to hunt the prey as was their intent, plan out how they would stalk them with her band and start probing the defenses for weaknesses. Every second spent was a second they could have used. 

She looked back at her companions and waved one of them over, discreetly whispering to them so as not to disturb the rest of the meeting. 

"Climb a high tower, as high as you can find, and take flight for the Peaks. Go as quickly as you can, any damages to your glider will be repaired by my own artists. Take a message to the clans, all of them. Tell them to make ready for a great hunt, and call not just the hunters, but all wings. We fly to hunt the Darkness, there is no room for a failed hunt, or we will be the hunted.

"Send fliers, many, to our sedentary cousins too. Tell them to ready themselves, call their boats of which they are so proud, and dress in their metal clothes. Make more as quickly they can, we need them in this fight. Send as many as they can to meet up with the other holdfasts, we will keep them informed of where to go by wing.

"Then tell the hunters to gather among the Upper Peaks. I will come, and when I do, we will all hunt together." 

She grabbed her companion's hand and pulled them close, hands to hearts, a final greeting before a long journey, and whispered. "I hope it is not, but I fear this may be our last hunt. Ningii watch your flight." 

With that her companion was off, quietly extracting themself from the meeting. Kiirweyä just about had time to see them start pulling out their packed up glider as they ran off down a corridor, before the door closed behind them and she returned her attention to the meeting.

Before the door closes, an orderly rushes in, his cheeks red and panic in his eyes.
"Your Grace! There's something you should see!"
In his hands he holds a large box, decorated liberally with warped gilding and unrecognisable magical seals. A piece of parchment sits upon it, words in red scrawled on both sides.
"This was delivered by a courier just now, it's addressed to the council, he told me that it's urgent." the orderly gasps.

The note begins
'The Knight calls, his Warlords answer...'
The following writing is obfuscated and incoherent, as if the writer was so overwhelmed they couldn't control their hand. The only other legible text is a signature.
'...a gift for you, ~A...'

The box is sealed by some profane magic, only unsealing when it is presented to Queen Aynia, whereupon it unlatches and falls open, dropping before the council a severed head, face contorted in agony. Upon investigation the head belongs to the Mayor of a small village near Aimsir, the fate of the rest of the village is unknown.

Theoden's face was was really serious now.

"Chaos is growing in strength, while we are spending it here, chatting. We must hit them now, when we still have the advantage or else it will grow even further in numbers."

[Image: MgwBskw.png]
The Corleone Family:
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[Image: cnHaKqb.png]

Aynia set the box down quickly and shut the lid with a heavy sigh. 

We must move now. She takes a pen and begins to draw over the map. 
[Image: XQnTRSQ.jpg]

As you can see all holdfasts must mobilize towards Aimsir. Enough time has been lost. Please relay the information from this council back to your homes, and mobilize your armies and navies. May the fates look over us.
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Theoden took a piece of parchment and wrote "War is imminent. Deploy the forces towards our borderlands with Aimsir. I am returning." He gave it to one of his guards asked them to send the message using a raven to his sister back in Mestrland immediately.

He stood up and bowed to the Queen, "See you all in the Battlefield. Let's show Chaos how chaos really looks like!"

Saying that, Theoden walked outside to where his horse was kept. There was no time to waste.

[Image: MgwBskw.png]
The Corleone Family:
Click here to see my Caer Sidi badges

[Image: cnHaKqb.png]

Kiirweyä looked at the map, surveying the quickly laid plans, and nodded. 

"Good," she said, rising from her seat. "We will send the walking and their ships to meet with your parties. Expect them on the southern borders of our enemy's lands. They are not many, but they fight well.

"As for the Sikosanala, we will go among the enemy lands and stalk them. They may be strong, but even the strong must eat. We shall break their retreat, and their lines home. One of the greatest flights ever made by my people, second only to the migration to this world." She smiled humorlessly. "We fled the enemy then. We can't flee them now. Maybe we'll meet again, until then, it's been a pleasure and an honour." 

She took the kit handed to her by one of her companions and slipped her arms in as she started toward the exit. "The hunt is on. Good luck to you all."

Aynia turned to the General waiting nearby. "Coordinate I would like half of Bastion's standing forces sent to Chail to aid in the defense. I will be travelling with them. Send a rider out immediately with word to Chail of our upcoming arrival. We should arrive within the next six days, and we will need preparations and accommodations for roughly six and a half thousand men. Instruct the citizenry to open their homes and their floors if need be, and open every inn and tavern in the city."

He nodded and quickly left the room. Aynia hurried out after him to gather her things.

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