12-27-2020, 09:46 AM
Hello there, possibly that should be hello again, as I am uncertain if having to register for the site means I haven't been here before. I mean, it's obvious there's been some renovations about the place (looking good, I should add), but it looks like it's been around for months and I haven't...so, I must apologize for that.
I'm Remec, here and on Discord, the power that is behind the Nation State of Lavem (prolly on the verge of forced resurrection yet again, but I seem to have avoided that fate). On the premise that with me having freshly registered, I will be exploring the place on the site for talking about/presenting my nation shortly, and hope to work more free time into popping in here, on NS, and in the Discord and getting to know my fellow Caer Sidians (is that right?) better.
I'm Remec, here and on Discord, the power that is behind the Nation State of Lavem (prolly on the verge of forced resurrection yet again, but I seem to have avoided that fate). On the premise that with me having freshly registered, I will be exploring the place on the site for talking about/presenting my nation shortly, and hope to work more free time into popping in here, on NS, and in the Discord and getting to know my fellow Caer Sidians (is that right?) better.