10-10-2023, 05:06 PM
The Holdfast of Illios
“Sing, oh fae, of Illios of the silver steeds, from whence came the riders of the grassland and sea”
Illios is a small kingdom of Syvsie, whose origin is shrouded in mystery. If you were to ask them, they’d cite the Book of Voyages and how Gereint the giant rose from the seas in his chariot, pulled by horses made from ocean foam. They’d tell you how he raised the white walls of Gwenn and ruled for hundreds of years, and his rule was fair. The true history of the Illimanne, the people of Illios, is hidden under pages and pages of myth and legend, something of which they are proud. For, you see, Illios is a land of tradition. The tales of the giants, of the war on the fae, of the great warrior Cú Caen are passed down from generation to generation less as religion, more as fact. Such are the ways of Illios. Stories, horses, and ships. The Illimanne are riders by trade, and their famed silver steeds are, along with fishing and sailing, most of their livelihood. The Illians thus have a very strong connection to the sea, for they depend on it to live. It is also the sea who gifted them the horse. Thus, they worship it as Caetos, the great mother-father. Most of the population of Illios is human. You might see pockets of fair folk here and there, but whilst they are welcome in the lands of the Illmanne, they are a rare sight. The Illmanne usually keep to themselves, and while they are not hostile to outsiders, they take pride in their ways and might be wary of those who seek to change them. Illimanne are fiercely loyal to their land and their High Lord, but are not above bending the knee to follow those they deem worthy. Whilst Illios is mostly peaceful, it is also capable of defending itself, and those who’d want to break the “Riders of the Grassland” might find themselves facing a cavalry charge, and the business end of a lance. All in all, 3 words can sum up Illios fairly well: Myth, Riders, and the Sea.
How is Illios governed?
Illios is governed by a High Lord, and a council of all the lords that pledge allegiance to him. The reason the High Lord takes such a name, rather than “King” derives from the idea that Gereint the Giant, the mythical founder of Illios, will one day return and claim their kingdom again. Thus, all rulers after him are just stewards.
Whilst the High Lord is the highest authority in Illios, his power is far from absolute. The High Lord (or Lady) is highly dependant on the house Lords that make up their council. The High Lord is determined by primogeniture, regardless of gender, and serves more as an executive power than an autocrat. Decisions are made final by the High Lord,with advice from the council, but making choices that go against the general consensus of the lords is not advised. Lords have the option to withdraw allegiance, or, in events of war, not provide their army if they feel the casus belli is lacking. Whilst tradition and loyalty stops most lords from actively seceding, it is not rare for High Lords to seek compromises that benefit all ruling houses in order to avoid conflict.
Another important player is the Speaker of Waves, the highes position in the Illisfate, the ocean worshipping religion of Illios. Whilst the High Lord can technically overrule their authority, he runs the risk of their heir being barred from going throught the Baptism of Salt or other rites important to the Illisfate, which in turn might gain them the disdain of other lords or the general populace. Thus, angering the Illisfate is a dangerous game.
Finally, matters of justice are settled by judges, which are appointed by house lords to preside over their lands. Who actually handles matters like incarceration and executions, however, is the Illisfate, for Caetos gives life and is therefore the only one who can justly take it. Prisoners who receive the penalty of death are taken by church officials to a particular place of worship and execution in Ava, where they are thrown from a cliff into the ocean. Since the voyage to Ava can take days at a time, it is believed the voyage helps the prisoner reflect on and atone for their transgressions.
The population of Illios is mostly Syvsian. Population density is low, with most of it being scattered across the hills and farmlands that make up Illios, and some concentrating in the capital of Gwenn as well as the forts and castles of other houses. Sidhé populations exist, although scattered across different villages or cities, with rare mostly Sidhé settlements on the coutryside. Merfolk are rather rare, due to the intensive maritime activities of the Syvsie and land (or rather, ocean) use disputes driving them away. Latest census goes as follows
The Population of Ilios is:
Syvsis = 40,387
Sidhé = 5,674
Merfolk = 85
Total= 46,146
Military numbers (maximum military numbers AT ANY TIME is 15% of your total population)
peacetime numbers: 3,230
wartime numbers: 6,921
The goods of Illios mostly deal in animal husbandry, agriculture, and fishing. Most structures in Illios are wooden, with mining among them being near non existent, this including quarries. Common crops for the Ilismanne are wheat, cotton, and barley. They also have a strong ship manufacturing industry, and are regarded as skilled tailors and weavers.
The Natural and Processed goods of Ilios are:
Total points used [8]
Horses = 1 point
Fish = 1 point
Agricultural foodstuffs = 1 point
Cotton= 1 point
Ships = 2 points
Textile goods=2 points
Illios, the land of the silver steeds, home to the riders of grassland and sea. Proud of their traditions and their legends, the Illismanne worship the Ocean mother-father and tend to their land, loyal to the King that once lived and ruled, before sinking beneath the waves.