The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes:

(09-26-2023, 06:23 PM)Eiskeloria Wrote:  Two Character Applications:

Discord Name (without the numbers at the end): wizardofdeath56

First Character:
Full name: Aileen Phyr

Birthplace: Unknown. Found abandoned in lands to the West.
Physical Description: Aileen has long, somewhat kempt, ashy grey hair — it could be mistaken for silver hair that has been dusted with ash with its gradients of lighter and dark greys, and her hair hangs down past her shoulders in the front but is cut to the nape of her neck. She has somewhat pale skin, almost sickly looking at times, and it has little colour — though this is not any sign of malnourishment, for even in the rare occasion that she is well fed and rested her face remains the same pallid tone. Aileen is not particularly tall, standing just over a metre and a half tall — thus her figure is not particularly imposing, though this should not be mistaken for frailty, for an energetic Aileen emanates a sense of childlike wonder and excitement that is infectious. Due to her travelling state, Aileen does not really invest in much more than simple brown garment and coat — they are somewhat in disrepair, and so at times it is almost as if she is wearing a bundle of rags. She does possess two rings, one on each ring finger — one embedded with a pink and orange stone, and another in red and dark blue.

Possessions/Equipment: The aforementioned rings. Aileen loves to read, and insists on hauling along with her whatever books she can find on her travels; where she stashes the rest, no one really knows. One permanent member of her library is a thick tome, with runic scripts emblazoned in fiery orange and mesmerising violets across its cover and spine. It is bound by golden silk, and its many surprisingly well-preserved pages are either filled with curiously illegible inscriptions or contain blank sheets on the clearly antique parchment. Aileen has made it her goal to uncover the secrets of the tome, which came as a gift from her mentor. A few other trinkets she carries include a small diamond-shaped family sigil, a flower in a bottle that Aileen insists on keeping alive, and a curious piece of twisted brown and grey stone.

Skills: Aileen is not a particularly street-smart person. Having relied on her companion for most of her life, she has had little hand in actually taking care of herself, as much as she has been pushed to do so; though many misadventures have led her to acquire a few life skills. However, she is an avid learner, consuming knowledge whenever it presents itself — be it in books or in words — but her aloof mindset often keeps her from identifying that knowledge as useful.

One key skillset that Aileen appears to possess is being able to perform acts of magic. She is unable to do much of anything at will, but there have been a few particular moments in which she has exhibited the ability to channel surprising amounts of magical energy — largely of the destructive nature. She doesn't know how to control it, or in some respect what it even is, and fears delving into it for it scares her.
Personality description: Aileen’s day-to-day personality is often energetic, described as bubbly at times, though this side of her only portrays itself when she feels comfortable — she is not one to necessarily walk up to strangers to inquire about a happenings or spark a conversation with just about anyone, but when interacted with, she is quite the conversationalist. However, she can also be particularly withdrawn and occasionally keeps to herself and appears quite reserved.

Backstory: Aileen was found as a child by a traveller in the far west. Little is known about her early life, but she has since grown up by the side of a mysterious man who goes by the name “Arc”. They have slowly made their way across Caer Sidi, and Aileen has followed Arc in his search for something — or someone — who might know of her past, or what lies in store for her. Aileen has heard whispers, though, between Arc, and some passersby… about her. About a tragedy in her past, and other things she wants to shake but can not forget. Mysteries that burn in her heart and leave her curiosity smouldering, but secrets that clearly should have been kept in the past…

Second Character:
Full name: Arc

Birthplace: Unknown — adventurer from lands far away.
Physical Description: A somewhat imposing figure at just over two metres tall, it is often difficult to make out what Arc looks like underneath his garments and travelling clothes. However, careful observers can make out the somewhat squared face, and heavy eyes that have clearly seen much. Under his cloak, Arc does not look much more than 40, and has a short boxed beard interrupted by streaks of grey or lines cut across the skin. Battle scars cover his body, particularly a prominent one across the left cheek and over the right eye, as well as a burn obscured by his hair. He has broad shoulders and a fairly balanced build, not particularly stocky but certainly not thin. His hair is black with some white and grey, his eyes are green, and he appears to have what is likely a fake right hand, given the clear stitches around his wrist… though for all intents and purposes it functions just like a real one. 

Possessions/Equipment: Arc travels with a horse named Buggy and carries a variety of bags and packages — largely living equipment for him and Aileen. Two possessions of his are his blade, a dusty-looking crimson-coloured greatsword that appears to have half of its left side broken off, and what appears to be another blade strapped across his back — though this one is far larger and always sheathed. Never once has it been seen taken out, and some speculate that perhaps it is not a blade at all. Arc also carries a simple wooden shield and a map of Caer Sidi.

Skills: Arc is a skilled swordsman. What he may have been capable of has clearly been lost to time or some other weight, but in the rare instance that he faces a need for combat, he is a difficult opponent to overcome. A warrior from what is perhaps a different age, Arc has a potent knowledge of many sword-forms and weapons, and often appears to be holding back — though whether this is by his own will or not, is uncertain. Regardless, of his undoubtedly strong combat skills, what shines the most is his seeming inability to be permanently knocked down. Arc’s tenacity and sheer willpower seem unmatched, and no matter the enemy, he always gets back up.
Personality description: Arc is a quiet and reserved man. Few words are necessary to convey his meaning. Despite his intimidating figure, Arc is fairly soft-spoken, and shares the traits of a man who has weathered many a storm and war, and he is rather patient. However, he is prone to irritation and lashing out occasionally by those he feels has wronged him. Arc also seems to carry a deep sorrow with him — of what origin, it is uncertain, but it often materialises itself in a fondness and care for the girl that travels with him, Aileen.

Backstory: Where Arc is from is unknown. His story is shrouded in smoke, and whether he is from these lands or beyond is the subject of many tavern tales.

He first appeared many years into the Fourth Era, making his way East as greater reports of thievery and crime across the lands began to rise. He made his name as a scourge to these common bandits, taking payments from local inns to strike down the most notorious of miscreants and local crime lords. This put a target on his back, leaving him to wander from holdfast to holdfast, where some locals would show hospitality while others would push him away in fear. Arc’s feats continued to grow in number, as outlaws of greater infamy continued to pursue him for the price on his head, but eventually he disappeared, leaving behind only legends of his exploits.

Sometime during these travels he came across a young child in the Western hills. Her name was Aileen, and he took her in — why is uncertain, but it is speculated that the nature of his purpose in Caer Sidi must connect to her. He has cared for and mentored her, or at least in whatever fashion one might try to raise an exuberant and excitable child, quietly taking her to places that might be safe to allow her to develop in as normal a life as a nomadic teenager might be able to. Arc has taken a particular interest in her ability to channel magic, and has seemingly made efforts to discover ways to help her control it — or perhaps, erase it.

So sorry for how long this took, but you are approved! Feel free to post in the Trav'ler's home at your leisure.

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RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by E. Kerman - 11-18-2022, 07:29 PM
RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by The Bloody Bay Fleet - 11-18-2022, 08:16 PM
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RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by Aynia - 02-20-2023, 05:14 PM
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RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by The Bloody Bay Fleet - 05-16-2023, 05:14 PM
RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by GrangerAirstrike - 05-18-2023, 08:26 AM
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RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by GrangerAirstrike - 05-27-2023, 01:47 PM
RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by Koolaid - 06-23-2023, 02:52 PM
RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by Koolaid - 06-23-2023, 02:54 PM
RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by Eiskeloria - 09-26-2023, 06:23 PM
RE: The Offices of Adventurers, Merchants, and Wandersome Tribes: - by Aynia - 10-07-2023, 11:17 AM

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