The Warren of Caer Sidi

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Dear reader,
This is the first letter of what I hope is many as I, Em, has just left bastion on the Queensway to Chail. I just sold nearly all my possessions, except the clothes on my back and a backpack containing nearly everything I'll set off with, with a journal, paper, some rations, and some stuff to write and draw with. For my dearest Ezra, girl, do not fret, for I will return; whether it be in life or not. I've gotten tired of the city, and want to pave my own path as an explorer and songstress after growing up in a household where the only thing I liked was... maybe the view out the window. I don't want to be a shopkeep restrained to behind the counter until her dying days. And the dating, oh how I loathed it, men took a fancy of me and my hair, I just wanted to walk away from it all. And now I can.

With sincerity, 
Em C.