Sailing past the coast leading to the Autumnn Reign, the flotilla headed by the ship The Sunderer, its gilded figure head of a demonic man holding a sword aloft in a gesture to signal a grand charge. the Chaser lead the Songbirds, Seafangs, and Galleys down the coast of the mainland, seeking the capital. The Admiral stood at the helm of his grand flagship, steering The Sunderer forward, leading his captains onward. Finally the flotilla finds its way along the summer coast, and before the harbor that leads to Bastion stan 64 ships, The Cetus having sailed as it does, below the waves. Down from the flagship of The Bloody Fleet, a Chasing boat was lowered, the large dinghy was slightly slim but long, easily fitting the ten rowers side by side, with The Bosun, clad in his red jacket and breeches with a white tunic. past the opening of the Harbor, the boat makes harbor. The Fleet has arrrived into Bastion properly.
The Dock Master was entirely consumed by ledgers. The amount of ships coming in and out and supplies being offloaded and transported since the breach of Aimsir made her old eyes cross. Muttering to herself she didn't notice the young man come through the door. He cleared his throat loudly and pulled at his collar, nervous because he knew he was about to lay yet more work at her feet. "Ma'am? I have news that is somewhat urgent. The Bloody Fleet have arrived. Their flagship was just spotted and they should be here within a matter of hours. The fleet is sizable, at least 50 ships from our estimate. I imagine they'll send in a convoy with their representative."
The Dock Master sighed and pushed back her chair from the battered but loved desk she'd been working on and turned her attention to more pressing matters than figures. She looked over at her assistant and pursed her lips a moment, her agile brain immediately making a list of tasks. "Then we need to be ready to meet them, shouldn't we? It's a large fleet, and though I assume they left fully stocked, they surely will eventually need provisions from Bastion. Send out messengers, let the Queen know they have arrived, and let the Chamberlain know that we will be sleeping... more than a few of the Fleets people. As for their arriving at the docks, I shall be there to greet them personally."
A few hours passed and the large dinghy was spied coming to dock. The Dock Master made her way to where the party would land and stood with her hands behind her back. She cut an impressive figure, tall, broad, and somewhat imposing with her tight bun and no nonsense attitude. She was aged and wise, but still young at heart and strong in body, and she kept her staff in line with an iron hand. She was respected for her leadership, and held the loyalty of her crew of dockhands. Her face was hard yet welcoming, for she knew her visitors must be weary. She waited for the dinghy to come to dock and stepped forward a few paces, hands still behind her back.
"Welcome to Bastion, may you find everything you seek in our wonderous capital. My name is Eileen Oshall, and I am the Dock Master here. I'd like to welcome you personally and get you on your way to where you're going. Just leave someone behind, this is going to take some paperwork." She chuckled to herself. "So what can this old woman do for you?"
"Ahoy there, Dock Master," the Bosun called from the boat, "thank you for the welcome!" As the boat was brought to the edge of the dock, he leapt nimbly to the planks and began tying down the Chasing boat with some of the other sailors who had came with him.
After the boat was secured, he straightened and looked at the Dock Master before him. "Thank you for your patience, Master Oshall. As you can most likely surmise, I am Parcival MacDonnaugh, Bosun of the Bloody Fleet." He made a grand bow, sweeping his hat off of his head as he nearly doubled over. His long ponytail-tied with a scarlet ribbon-falling over itself. The gathered sailors made there salutes as he bowed.
As he rose from the bow, and returned his hat to his head, he addressed the Dock Master. "I would be happy to have your guidance here, Master Oshall, as it has been quite some time since I have left this city. I believe Master... Lee shall stay here and begin the papers, though I should like to look them over." Lee nods, and MacDonnaugh patted his jacket, finding copies of the letters of mark, and proffered them to the Dock Master. "Our papers, as well, should you require them. I assure you, everything is in order. Now then," he said, a friendly smile playing across his lips, "I'm sure you are a busy woman, allow us to discuss as we walk. I'd hate to add more worries to your brow."
Eileen cracked a wide grin at the deep bow and show of courtesy. She spent most of her time around the rough dock hands, it wasn't often she received a grand bow with a flourish.
"Very well then," she paused for a moment and then opened her mouth with a mighty roar and shouted across several docks. "Tosan!" her voice echoed. She looked down at the papers she been given and started plucking through them, making sure they appeared legitimate, though she knew they were. In short order a young man sprung up at her side, the same young man who had brought her news of their arrival.
"Yes Ma'am? What is it you need?" he asked. She looked over at Lee and nodded in their direction. "Take them to my office and go over the paperwork that needs done." She handed him the sheaf of papers she'd been given. "These are the official papers for their arrival. Get everything in order and we shall come back in some time to give them a final look-see and get the Bosun here's approval."
"Yes Ma'am." The man looked towards Lee and waved a hand. "I'll show you the way, if you'll just follow me, sir." And the two were on their way. The Dock Master walked towards the Bosun and landed two mighty claps on his shoulder as she came up next to him. "Well my dear boy, why don't we walk? Tell me about the seas and what brings you here, though I have a feeling I already know the answer to both." She began to walk, just assuming he would keep stride next to her as she went through the busy dockyard. "And don't worry about the paperwork for now, your reputation proceeds you, and your papers appear in order. Tosan is a good assistant to me, and he'll make sure everything is taken care of. When you are free, stop back by my office and we'll go over the final signatures."
The Bosun chuckles to himself as Eileen clapped his shoulder, standing firm under her lighthearted assault. He keeps his smile across his face, "I am rather glad that our reputation no longer gives people fear! Why, I half expected you to be accompanied by the nearest garrison!" The sailors who remained with him laughed as well, smiles halfway between mirth and fear.
The Bosun proffers an elbow to the Dock Master, "lead on, we shall follow where'er you take us."
The smile fades slightly as the Bosun prepares to respond to her questions, "well, yes, I suppose you know what brings us here, though the seas are as they are, grand and magnificent, if filled with dangers." Although the last remark sounded like a joke, in fact, it had been a joke response that the sailors of the Fleet said to one another almost out of habit, there was little mirth this time. "As for why we came, well, we are answering our call and doing our service to the Summer Queen. I'm sure you are aware of the... events that have transpired. We simply seek to do our duty. There might be other business in Bastion for us, but we shall see when those occur."
"For now, though," the Bosun says, "I should like to see the ship..." his hand gestures in a grabbing motion, and somewhere, a slip of parchment appears in his hand. It has several names of ships that the Dock Master recognizes as merchant ships hailing from the Seat, "...ah, yes," the Bosun continues, "the ship Smiling Maiden, I believe she is docked here still." He kept his easy smile, "I'm just a forward party, Dock Master. My own Lord Admiral will arrive when I have assured him that it is indeed safe."
The Dock Master thought for a moment, a quiet 'hmm' escaping her lips. "Ah yes, the Smiling Maiden is docked not far from here. It should only be a short walk." She takes his arm and starts to walk along the docks, expecting him to keep up with her long, self assured strides before continuing,
"Your reputation does proceed you, but Bastion is probably the safest place to be at the moment. The city is double curtained and large enough to withstand a long siege, though I personally don't see it coming to that. We've beaten them back once long ago, and we'll do it again." Her face was stern and she continued, "Stories of the war have been passed down for generations, and while I'm sure they've been embellished more than a little over the years, Bastion stands strong as the crown jewel of the Queendom. Much safer than the seas, to be sure!" She laughed as if sharing an inside joke.
After a few minutes walk, they arrived outside the Smiling Maiden. "Here is where I let you continue with your duties, and return to my own. You've brought a mountain of paperwork with you, you know." She winked and stepped back from him, ready to return to her small office and mountain of books. "If you need me, any of the dock hands can point you in my direction. I should be in my office much of the day. It's been a pleasure, Bosun." She offered a wink and an outstretched hand, extending her gratitude for the Bosun and the Fleet itself.
Nodding along, the Bosun and his retinue walked with Eileen to the ship, making small remarks until they arrived at the ship.
The Bosun took the hand offered to him, and shook it heartily. "Many thanks, Dock Master Oshall. The pleasure is all mine, your hospitality is much appreciated at this time. Should you require anything from the Fleet or myself, do not hesitate to seek me out, and I shall see it done."
With that said, the Bosun and his crew walked up the gangplank, where are the captain of the merchant vessel stood waiting. "I have followed the arrow's flight, and landed here," the Bosun said, affixing the symbol of Fortune's Arrow to his collar as he approached the other captain, a sidhé named Walton.
"And the arrow has guided you well to your horizon's end, my friend," Walton replied, grasping the hand of the Bosun, "come into my cabin, my lord, we have much to discuss." While the ten other sailors made guard around the captain's cabin, Walton and the Bosun enter Walton's cabin.
"You have come at just the right moment, sir," Walton said as he closed the door behind the pair, "The Queen makes ready to go to Chail as we speak, you have but a scant few days to entreat upon her here. I have no doubt your arrival in such a grand manner has alerted her."
The Bosun chuckles to himself, "that was rather the point of our arrival, mister Walton. I'm half surprised there was not an alarm raised when our regatta came into view." The "merchant" smiled, "it is rather surprising, but it appears your actions and the events at hand have garnered our Fleet some goodwill."
MacDonnaugh continued to smile, "speaking of, what has happened to our little tributes to the Crown? I saw no pikes nor nooses on my way in."
Walton's face grew serious, "they have made good use of our Queen's mercy as we feared, sir. Wolfric and Adams are working in labor, staying in a barracks with others, captain Bronsone has elected to serve in the army, and is preparing to go to the garrison at Drochaid Bront and support the troops there."
Where Walton was serious, MacDonnaugh was still calmly smiling, "I expected as such, and I've made some preparations for this event." A phial of a clear liquid seemed to fall from the Bosun's sleeve into his palm, and he placed it on Walton's desk. "I assume you have made connections in that barracks? See that this finds its way into Wolfric's food." A dagger and coin purse were extracted from the interior of MacDonnaugh's scarlet greatcoat, "and Adams should have a nasty fight. He can be very disagreeable, don't you agree?" Walton smiled and nodded, then frowned slightly, "what of Bronsone? When she gets to Drochaid Bront-"
The Bosun cut off the worried captain with a hand, "A squad of Blades will be sent to Bronsone's garrison in the city, to bolster their efforts and hold Bronsone. Along the way, captain Bront will be caught deserting and... dealt with." Looking at the expression of his spy, the Bosun chuckled. "We have planned for this eventuality, mister Walton. You simply have to do your part. See that it does get done, eh? And discreetly, please. The Queen knows we're here, she need not know our extracurricular business."
With that, the Bosun clapped Walton on the shoulder, much like the dock Master had done to him not ten minutes ago, and stepped out into the deck of the Smiling Maiden. "You, send a messenger crow to The Sunderer, let them know that we are good to make port here, tell The Admiral to make haste!" The Bosun continued to shout orders. "And
Send a bird to the Blade's Bounty, we require the squad at," he checked his note that Walton had given him, "the east garrison. Quickly! Quickly!"
It took only five minutes for the birds to fly and make their marks. It would be fifteen minutes for the smaller ships to make dock, along with dinghies and Chasing boats filled with Captains, their retinue, and of course, the Lord Admiral Aelfric Royce. Royce was at the fore of the docking, on his Chasing boat in a similar manner to the Bosun.
The Admiral was a foil to his Bosun, where the Bosun was dressed in cotton and linen the Admiral was wearing his full dress. Solid iron pauldrons above his black-dyed cape with a scarlet eye in the center of the cape. his iron cuirass with the eye of the serpent embedded between the pectorals burnished to a dark iron sheen. He strode forth in a striking counter to the Bosun, who travelled with a busy crowd whilst the Lord Admiral, Commander of the Fleet, led the forward procession of the captains. The only person to move beside Royce was the Bosun as they met on the dock, and while his sailors bowed to him, the Admiral only motioned for his Bosun to join him, pausing slightly until Parcival had made his way down the gangplank and to the side of the Admiral. They began to move forth, past the docks in Bastion's Harbor, onto the cobbles of the city proper.
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The city guard noticed the entourage with no escort and quickly rushed over. They had been prepped for their arrival a short while ago, and the guard couldn't believe that the group had no escort. He gave a shallow bow and greeted the Admiral. "G'day my good sir! Did you manage to slip through the docks unassisted? The Dock Master must be deeper in her paperwork than I thought." He chuckled to himself. "My name is Gladen Walsh, and I would be happy to escort you to your destination here within Bastion, if you would. I believe the Queen herself has been informed of your fleets presence, and she is no lady to keep waiting for long, especially in these..." He cleared his throat softly.
"Pressing times." His face quickly resumed a mask of friendly professionalism as he anticipated their reply. '
What a story to tell the others, escorting the Bosun and Admiral of The Bloody Fleet! Who would have thought it, eh?' he thought to himself. The times were trying, but he had to get what excitement he could and this was just the thing to do it.
The Admiral regarded the guards before him with an arched look, his eyes... were wrong in some way that eluded proper identification, it might be their color, or the pupils in the orbs, but no one could say for certain. The other eye, the bestial one in his chestplate, spun and rolled madly as it regarded the proud guards of Bastion that had approached the pair of leaders.
It was the Bosun who spoke first, breaking a tense silence that had begun to form between the almost eldritch admiral and the guards. "We were assisted quite well, the Dock Master Oshall is a commendable woman, though we thought not to bother her with our... full retinue." The Bosun smiled kindly to the guards, trying to offset the oddness of the Admiral. "Why, Mr. Walsh, we would be happy to be escorted to the Queen as swiftly as you lead us." The soft, easy going grn turned slightly into a sardonic smirk. "These most pressing times do require some urgency, especially from those pressed into it."
The guards might have heard some tightly held back snorts or chuckles escape from the most senior Blades and even the two captains who have joined the Admiral, Tattone and Mackay. Whether or not they paid any heed to the manner of the captains was immaterial, as silence quickly returned. It was broken by the Admmiral, speaking for the first time since setting foot on the docks of the capital. "Mister MacDonnaugh, save your pleasantries for the Crown, yes? These men must be anxious to see their duty done." He nodded to the guard who had given his name, "Mister Walsh, lead and we shall follow."
"Aye, commendable she is, and I meant no offense, my good sir." Walsh patted the air in front of him, as if to gesture he meant no harm by his comment. He locked eyes with the Admiral as he spoke, and became immediately uneasy. He had never encountered someone who had given off this aura before. His thoughts of boasting to his cohorts about his luck were quickly being replaced with an unsettling feeling. He noticed the eye on the Admirals chest plate moving wildly and reminded himself to keep his calm. He'd never seen anything like it, and it was both fascinating and horrifying. He tore his eyes away before he was too obvious and plastered a smile on his face.
"Of course! If you'll follow me I'll lead you to the city and to the palace, where the palace staff will further assist you." He gestured ahead and began to walk, nervous but keeping an outward calm appearance. They passed through the outer curtain of the city, past various shops and street hawkers selling their wares. They approached the inner curtain wall to get into the city proper, even more colourful stalls and whitewashed stone houses. The streets were neat and cleaner than most, paved with smooth silvery stones. Clothing hung on lines strung from second and third story windows, the houses being fairly tall and close together in the inner city. As they passed through various areas they were greeted with aromas that made their stomachs grumble. Fresh baking bread and roasted meat, the smell of smoke leaf and fried foods and meat smokers filled the air before giving way to the smoky, metallic smell of the blacksmiths. Passing yet more houses dotted with shops, they finally passed through the final wall and reached the open garden area before the palace.
The palace itself was enormous, bright white and tipped with blue green, the results of metal oxidizing over the seasons. It reached into the sky and from the ground looked immeasurably tall, at least as tall as 15 men. Several towers surround the main structure, with annexes with yet more towers jutting out from the main structure. The castle design was elegant and regal, the jewel of the Warren and was decorated as such, with elaborate columns and stonework around doors and the slits that served as windows.
Walking through the paved pathways that wound through the castle gardens felt like walking through somewhere wild. Wild flowers, grasses and bushes were abundant. The garden was meticulously manicured to look like it had never been touched. Fountains and statues dotted the area, many statues slowly being overcome by mosses and vines in the most aesthetic of places. At the front of the garden near the castle there was a large square, presumably for gatherings and Royal Addresses by The Queen.
Walsh chattered to his charges as they walked, naming the areas and suggesting points of interest before finally arriving at the castle steps and taking a bow before gesturing with both hands up the stairs. "This is where I leave you, my friends. The guards at the door will be able to assist you in, and the doorman will see to it the Queen knows you have arrived. Is there anything else you need of me?" He asked out of politeness and training, hoping there was nothing else needed, he had enough story to tell his comrades...
For their part, the two leaders of the Fleet had remained civil and polite to Walsh, responding to his remarks with,if not enthusiasm, something approaching it. They had also fallen into their own quiet conversation, and although hushed, it was still somewhat discernible as to the tones and moods. It appeared as though the Bosun was... admonishing the Admiral? The Bosun, however, did not continue to scold his commander for too long, seemingly only a few moments.
The rest of the escort after the brief whispers was uneventful, though immediately after leaving the Dock area, the two captains who had been following the leaders peeled off silently, going in the direction where Walsh had pointed and give the harshest warning, the Syvisan and Satyr striding off like two big hunting animals stalking, ready to claim a piece of land.
The Admiral and Bosun also walked with a slight prowl in their step, though it was mixed a prideful, almost militaristic stride. They walked as though they were lords and pirates both, creatures of an order born from their chaos. The Admiral walked savagely in his stride, his strange eyes, all three of them, burning forth in a stare that encompassed his view, as though he was hungrily eying the prosperity of the capital. The Bosun walked proudly and easily, as though he was meant to take every step he did, and that his movements were pre-ordained with a grand purpose that none could divine save the man himself.
Soon, though, the pair of pirates had entered the Palace grounds and were lead through the winding garden paths of the Summer Queen’s castle. Their strides became much more exaggerated as they passed the gates into the garden paths, both of the two leaders becoming much more “themselves” for lack of a better word.
"No, nothing else," Royce said in reply to the guard as they are, giving a dismissive gesture with one gauntleted hand. Even the serpent's eye in his chestplate seemed bored, lolling back and forth rather than spinning wildly. Their own company of Blackblades remained at the steps, standing at what might have been attention, but the rough warriors of the Fleet had a very… unorthodox attention that looked more like a threat to all who would dare raise iron, than a proud stance of discipline.
Slowly, almost regally, The Admiral and Bosun ascend the steps of the castle and prepare to be announced to the Crown that they had sworn to serve, and that had called them here.
Walsh bowed and scurried away, relieved to be finished with his task and anxious to return to his post and gossip. As the group approached the top of the steps they could see a set of large double doors, easily as tall as two men. Intricate stonework surrounded the doors, with Syvisan and Fae lettering and depictions of historical scenes and the elements. Standing directly in front of the castle now, and seeing it up close was astounding. The stone walls gleamed almost blinding under the sunlight, the castle itself reaching high into the sky proud and tall. Castle Bastion truly was a sight to behold, and often stunned those who visited it for the first time.
At the base of each door stood a guard, each coming to attention after spotting the group approaching. Silently they swung open each large door to let the group through to the entrance hall. Stepping through the front doors of Bastion, the group was greeted with luxurious silk curtains draping themselves over gleaming white walls and hanging from dark wood ceilings, full cushions and lounges for sitting and small tables where a few people could gather and chat together. There were doorways on all sides of the room, leading to more chambers or hallways eventually winding to the main living chambers of the Monarchy in the heart of the castle. The castle was well lit and a pleasant temperature inside. Large artworks hung on the stone walls next to tapestries, showing the royal family, notable figures of the region, as well as scenes from the history of Syvisa and Caer Sidi alike. The silvery stone floors were decorated with blue and green runners, their paths dotted with native plants in bronze planters.
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As the doors swung open and the group passed through, a man seemed to materialize in front of them, though whether they just suddenly noticed him or whether he actually materialized out of thin air was unknown. He had dark hair and even darker eyes, the smile of a Chesire cat and the manners of the most learned gentleman. His voice was calm and soothing yet carried through out the room as he introduced himself after a deep bow.
"If I may welcome you to Bastion, my friends! We have been preparing since we received word you'd come into port. My name is Alexander, and I am at your service. If you would prefer to dismiss your retinue, I can have a housemaid see them to the dining area where we've prepared a selection of meats and cheeses. Then I can escort you to the appropriate sitting room for your meeting with Her Majesty." He signalled to a maid as the group was dismissed and led the remaining men out of the room and down a hallway before climbing a set of stairs and leading them to one last door. He swung the door open and outstretched an arm for them to enter.
"If you will just be patient a few moments more, the Queen will be with you shortly." With a final bow he shut the door to the room and the group had a chance to look around. It seemed to be a medium sized meeting room, with a large, long table in the center surrounded by chairs. There was a large hand drawn map of the Warren in the center, with various notes and symbols drawn over it in ink. Tokens were laid out representing scouting reports and areas known to be inhabited by the creatures of Chaosium. Carved pieces representing the present holdfasts were scattered across the map. Parchment was laid out next to quills and ink reservoirs for easy note taking. Several extinguished candles on pewter sticks dotted the table as well as a pitcher of wine and a collection of new cups for the guests.
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After a few moments the door opened once more and the Queen entered followed closely by her valet. Outwardly she looked fresh as ever, with sharp eyes and a sharp wit, ready for discussion. Inwardly she was weary, but those feelings had to wait. She knew the fleets reputation even if she had never met with them before, and quite honestly it intrigued her. Politically and militarily it was a great match, but she had a soft spot personally for wild hearts. She let her face break out in a welcoming grin and greeted her guests with a deep customary bow. "Gentlemen," she stood, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and for formality's sake, I am Seasonal Queen Aynia Moreaux. You have excellent timing, as I must leave for Chail as soon as I am able, but I have cleared time for us to talk here. I trust your time with us so far has been well?"
As the Queen entered, the two leaders bowed. The Bosun did a deep and sweeping bow, removing his bicorn and stooping low, while his commander the Admiral simply inclined his head to show respect. The Admiral held on hand a glass of the wine, its red hue shimmering. As soon as the Queen had entered, the eye in his chestplate had stopped spinning and had locked its gaze onto the noble being before it.
"My Queen," the Bosun would begin, "it is an honour to have this audience, I am the Bosun, Parcival MacDonnaugh, and this," he presents the Admiral with a grand gesture though MacDonnaugh is still bowing, "is the Grand Admiral Aelfric Royce." The Admiral lowers his head once more
"It has been only a matter of moments in your city, your majesty," The Bosun said as he rose from his bow, "we had been told of your urgency, so our speed was of the utmost." The Admiral nodded as he regarded the large map, his own odd eyes studying the pieces used to represent his own forces and lands.
The Bosun continued to speak, "we apologize for our lateness in current affairs. Even though you have so graciously allowed us to serve you... well... caution is a virtue to the long-lived crewmember." He wore a wry grin as he said that, "though we thank you for your mercy and hospitality."
"That we do," said the Admiral. His voice was cold, and although he spoke just as softly as his companion, it seemed to ring in the room. "Though I appreciate the warm welcome, if I am to be frank with you, had it not been so costly to us, I would be a little insulted." The Sidhé man chuckled dryly to himself, "has our repute been so quickly softened by our paths of service?" The wry grin of the Admiral seemed more dangerous in the moment, perhaps by the fact that the serpentine eye in his chest had continued it's stare.
His face would lose its sardonic appearance, as would the Bosun's, at a flash of movement from MacDonnaugh's hands, a gesture to his commander that they should proceed. "Be that as it may," the Bosun would say, "it appears that you do indeed require our services on the seas. How would you desire us to serve our most esteemed ruler?"
Aynia noticed the eye on the center of the Admiral's chest plate focusing on her, and she included it in her acknowledgement of the men before dismissing it in her mind. Her face sported a wide grin at the Admiral's jest. "Have no worries, your reputation is as fearsome as ever to most who hear about you, but the Queendom has welcoming arms and your service is appreciated." Her face grew more serious as she approached the table. Her valet anticipated her move, already in the process of pouring a glass of wine before handing it to her Queen. Aynia accepted graciously and held the glass delicately in one hand as she looked over the map on the large wooden table.
She cut an imposing figure, not just for her height but for the elegant silks and crushed velvets making up a luxurious skirt and tunic. Black and dark teal velvet alongside creamy white silk flowed down the length of the skirt, with her tunic done in the same colour scheme but adorned with jewels and various precious metalic buttons lining the square cut collar. The tunic sleeves were long, draping down near the Queen's knees and delicately embroidered. She wore a simple circlet of silver branches and leaves dotted with precious stones in blue and green, and her long blonde hair was pulled back into a loose plait.
"Now, let me get into details and bring you both to speed..." She spent some time going over the previous war council, directing the men to the map and pointing out various manoeuvres and places to station troops. She went over likely routes of travel for the other holdfasts to reach their destinations, and where the greatest strengths from each holdfasts lay. After a while, she paused and looked up at both men.
"And this is where you come in, for your strength lies in the sea and your knowledge of it. The seas are dangerous on their own, with few understanding how to navigate long journeys safely. On this you are experts. The west coast of Aimsir and down through The Marshes does seem like the obvious place to station ships, but I would like your opinions." She sighed softly. "I do not want to give orders without consideration, and this... endeavor will take much cooperation from all of us involved."
"You are correct that the seas are our ally and home, we know them well, and have a scant hundred good navigators." The Admiral stated as he moved to the map closer, swirling the glass of wine nonchalantly. His eyebrow rose as he regarded the map, surveying the desired stretch of coast. "The wastes, eh? Landing and setting off is possible, yet frankly the wastes seems impractical for beasts to reach the sea." His hand traced the aiir over Aimsir and its surroundings where the forces of Chaos were marked, "They have yet to reach a shore, though they are striving for the river and marshes." His face grew pensive, "my Queen, we can secure this stretch easily enough, but our larger ships could get hung up if we sailed to close. Another concern is that although we have a sizeable navy, such a length would be manageable at best, and only by our fangs, galleys, and songbirds for patrol, and that is what I assume you would desire from us for 'stationing' ships?"
The Admiral would continue speaking, "we would need to station our ten chasers in some sort of formation, or make a solid line as a backbone for our patrols. Though Chasers are steady and sturdy, they lack swiftness in motion. This is, of course, not accounting for the supplies required to maintain patrols. How long would you have us lay siege to this stretch of coast?"
The Bosun made an odd dismissive noise and made another gesture to his commander, "our supply routes are perfectly capable of sending Jollies to the patrol. If I may share a secret with our Crown?" He looked inquistively, almost mischievously to the admiral, as though he were a child, and grinned broadly at the nod from his commander.
"Here," MacDonnaugh said as he traced a few lines along the map of the sea, his finger moving in swoops, sometimes intersecting or even running with a line that was marked as a path of shipping. the lines he made glowed faintliy as drew them, and when he was done, several shortcuts and crossroads were revealed to the Queen. "Our years of... entering and exiting the shipping paths have made us discover a few shortcuts to make shipments faster. Of course, we also dare to sail our own waters," he says with a small chuckle. "We may not be in the center of the sea, but our Seat is in a fine place along the western lands. With those amendments to your charts, your merchants should have a much easier time transporting cargo, and your navy transporting troops."
"Seeing that map as you have displayed it, with the intelligence that we have," The Admiral said, cutting off his second as he surveyed the map, "Our ships would be most utilised in the manner that we have offered. Would you agree, your highness?" There was something off with the way he ended the sentence, his recognition of the Queens authority was present, but there was still an undercurrent of rebellion. Which was perhaps justified in some manner, Royce had spent a signifcant portion of his life becoming something of a legend, and earning the command of a true legend, The Bloody Fleet itself. He was not a king, nor even a regent, but he seemed used to having true command of the sea, and being bound to and bowing to a Queen of the land-the whole land and sea of the warren, but no less of the land-seemed to irk the maritime lord. The baleful stare of the serpent's eye did not help soften his tone very much, either.