09-16-2020, 03:54 PM
09-16-2020, 03:57 PM

Aynia paces back and forth across the large stone war room. The centre of the room is taken up by a massive table with a map of the entire Warren, each holdfasts borders marked out, and markers where the Red Knights troop positions had been reported.
The flyers had been disseminated throughout the Warren, and she expected either the Holdfast nobility themselves or their representatives to begin to show up at any time. She'd met with her Captains of War previously and outlined Bastions defenses, as well as sent one regiment along with their captain to assist and fortify Rovikstead. However, they needed to be on the offensive quickly and gather their forces. It was important for the Holdfasts to work as a cohesive unit if they were to succeed.
She hears the tower bells begin to toll that the sun has struck noon and worries her lip. Her handmaiden pours her a cup of water and takes it to her with some reassuring words and has her sit down to await their visitors...
Welcome to the war council, Noble Holdfast owner/Representative! Please make your initial post about arriving in Bastion in this thread and you will be received at the castle and directed to the war room. In this thread Holdfast owners and their representatives will strategize directly with the Monarchy as to the best way to defeat the Red Knight.
09-16-2020, 04:01 PM
For what happened 24hours before this: https://caersidi-ns.com/thread-46-post-215.html#pid215
For what happened immediately before this: https://caersidi-ns.com/thread-46-post-217.html#pid217
For what happened immediately before this: https://caersidi-ns.com/thread-46-post-217.html#pid217
Once it made landfall at the Glittering bay, three civilians emerged, one soldier in full ceremonial dress uniform, two in service dress uniforms, and 8 more in combat uniform emerged. Someone who appeared to be a member of the Bastion watch was there almost immediately to find out who they were & their business there. One of the civilians spoke first.
"I apologise for any confusion or alarm caused, I am Ambassador Gwynes Yale, this is my diplomatic team: Consul General Eileen Brice, Military attaché General Conall Felan, Alchemical attaché Professor Seán Caffrey. And this is our guard to escort us to Bastion, Colonel Kaiden Rearden, Sergeant Lexi Keevan & her squad."
The guard appeared satisfied and pointed towards a path that headed in the general direction of Bastion. Once the team had disappeared from sight of the beach, The Minx waited a half hour before rowing back.
The Journey to Bastion from the beach was uneventful, once at Bastion, the Ambassador & her team were quickly directed to the war room where introductions were made with Queen Aynia. "If I be so bold, your majesty, do you have accommodation for an expeditionary force of 400 troops? Or perhaps space for a field barracks - our company from the Ironbay regiment of Royal Engineers has the materials & equipment to erect one lage enough to house 800 - The Róisín is on standby to collect a second battalion as needed?
09-17-2020, 05:51 AM
A small fleet of galleys approached the city of Bastion, having come from the North and following the coast into the Glittering Bay, separating into two distinct groups. The first, containing a single ship, continued to the port of Bastion whereas the second group, containing the rest of the ships, came to anchor just off south of the port. The lone galley docked into the harbor without trouble and its passengers exited the ship. A man with graying hair, dressed in ceremonial military dress, departed the vessel flanked by two armored guards dressed in olive green and red standards. Behind him was a younger woman, looking to be in her mid twenties, also flanked by the same warriors. The man introduced himself to the port authority as the Grand Margrave of the Valkengard Holdfast, and that he and his attaches were scheduled to arrive at the behest of Queen Aynia. Directions to the relevant location were given, and a notice of the arrival of the Third Chapter of the Anathemas outside the city was relayed to the city watch.
Without any flourish, the Grand Margrave entered the room alongside the civilian representative of Valkengard. Scanning the room briefly, he found the Queen and made his way over to may his due respect, which he did with a curt bow. Adding onto the representative of Iron Bay, Rostami added on, "I, myself, have also brought a small contingent of 100 fighting men and women along with me your Majesty. They are currently making landfall upon the beaches of the Bay and setting up a temporary camp."
Without any flourish, the Grand Margrave entered the room alongside the civilian representative of Valkengard. Scanning the room briefly, he found the Queen and made his way over to may his due respect, which he did with a curt bow. Adding onto the representative of Iron Bay, Rostami added on, "I, myself, have also brought a small contingent of 100 fighting men and women along with me your Majesty. They are currently making landfall upon the beaches of the Bay and setting up a temporary camp."
09-17-2020, 05:52 AM
Taighe U'Aiydun was the official ambassador and representative of Tyrn U'Yn Elfait in the Queensland, and though she had been in Chail previously to receiving the news about Aimsir, it had not taken long before she set off towards Bastion. She was an oceanids of 200 and some years, and remembered well both the war with the Chaolich and the time before it when the entire warren was under his control. If Aimsir was truly breached, they'd have to act fast to prevent what could possibly be another monster like the Chaolich from invading the warren. She knew that she would have to be the one to represent her holdfast in this matter, as it would simply take too long for anyone from Yn Elfait itself to make it here. The holdfast was quite literally on the opposite side of the warren after all, and there were no roads for most of the way there.
She rode out from Chail towards Bastion a few hours after having received the news, with her two bodyguards, Aign and Uguhn, behind her. They were both talmuns, large ape looking people, who were much too big to ride on any kind of mount themselves, but who still kept up well enough with her horse just owing to their great size and long legs. Though it was not common for talmuns to wear clothes, she had painstakingly gotten a local tailor from Chail to make a pair of enormous tabards for them to wear. The tabards were light blue and green, to match the colours of her family crest, and each of the bodyguards had also been armed with long maces of iron, which was a far superior weapons to the wooden club usually used by talmuns. She herself was clad in an ornate dress of light blue and green, with ocean themed pictures embroidered into it with bronze thread. She carried a delicately designed staff made of brass with her at all times, which she focus her magic through when casting spells. Her hair was curly and brass coloured like her staff, and kept out of a face by a circlet made from bronze.
Nothing much of interest happened on the road between Chail and Bastion, except for the two talmun bodyguards drawing the eyes of several farmers as they passed. Once in Bastion, Taighe and her two bodyguards were lead to the war room, after explaining their purpose there to one of the guards.
"Your majesty, Taighe U'Aiydun is at thine service." She said with a bow as she came into the war room. Aign and Uguhn were following along, even if they had had to both hunch over and sometimes crawl to get in. The ceiling of the war room itself was just high enough to allow them to stand upright though, much to the appreciation of both of them. "None of the councilors of Tyrn U'Yn Elfait will be able to make it here in any reasonable amount of time, so as ambassador I shall represent mine holdfast. I have sent word, and once it reaches home, the knights of Yn Elfait will begin to muster and make their way towards the Queensland."
She rode out from Chail towards Bastion a few hours after having received the news, with her two bodyguards, Aign and Uguhn, behind her. They were both talmuns, large ape looking people, who were much too big to ride on any kind of mount themselves, but who still kept up well enough with her horse just owing to their great size and long legs. Though it was not common for talmuns to wear clothes, she had painstakingly gotten a local tailor from Chail to make a pair of enormous tabards for them to wear. The tabards were light blue and green, to match the colours of her family crest, and each of the bodyguards had also been armed with long maces of iron, which was a far superior weapons to the wooden club usually used by talmuns. She herself was clad in an ornate dress of light blue and green, with ocean themed pictures embroidered into it with bronze thread. She carried a delicately designed staff made of brass with her at all times, which she focus her magic through when casting spells. Her hair was curly and brass coloured like her staff, and kept out of a face by a circlet made from bronze.
Nothing much of interest happened on the road between Chail and Bastion, except for the two talmun bodyguards drawing the eyes of several farmers as they passed. Once in Bastion, Taighe and her two bodyguards were lead to the war room, after explaining their purpose there to one of the guards.
"Your majesty, Taighe U'Aiydun is at thine service." She said with a bow as she came into the war room. Aign and Uguhn were following along, even if they had had to both hunch over and sometimes crawl to get in. The ceiling of the war room itself was just high enough to allow them to stand upright though, much to the appreciation of both of them. "None of the councilors of Tyrn U'Yn Elfait will be able to make it here in any reasonable amount of time, so as ambassador I shall represent mine holdfast. I have sent word, and once it reaches home, the knights of Yn Elfait will begin to muster and make their way towards the Queensland."
09-17-2020, 05:53 AM
The breeze brought the smell of sea across the rolling farmlands. Kiirweyä rolled her shoulders, making sure the water-proof skin was secure around her glider. Being this close to that much water made her uncomfortable. While water was good, sacred to her god Ningii, this water was not like the streams and rapids of the Peaks. This water was salt, poisonous, and deeper than anyone could see. She was grateful for the hillsides obscuring the view.
"Why do we walk?" One of her traveling companions was of the flock of Nukanaami. The winds were their home, and the current mode of transportation had been a point of contention all morning.
"You are welcome to try your luck from these hills," Kiirweyä said and nodded to one of the nearby hills. "But the earth-bound ones find this way of arrival more agreeable. In times like this I fear we might get mistaken for enemies if we arrive by air."
Her companion grunted unhappily and mumbled a short incantation to the skies, bemoaning their current state. The wind flapped their robes as if in agreement.
However, they didn't have to travel so for much longer. As they crested the next hill, there it was. Giant pinnacles of white, like cliffs of a great massif, although these were made by hand. Trees, green, white marbles, and people beyond comprehension. They'd heard the stories, but it was another thing to see it for themselves.
"The earth-bound abandoned the wild cliffs to build their own," one of her companions commented, trying to muster some disdain for the more civilized lifestyle, although it was hard to deny the splendor of the sight in front of them.
"So they did," Kiirweyä said and started walking again, using her walking stick to nudge the previous speaker in the side. It wouldn't do with such speak once they arrived. "And there's no denying they have prospered from it."
They traveled the rest of the way to the city in silence, identifying themselves to the city guards and so getting escorted to the meeting. On the way through the city they marveled at the sights. None of them had any further remarks beyond amazement. The buildings seemed to reach for the skies as if they were mountains, and among them grew trees and flew birds. It was a grand thing, and not even the most cynical among them dared say otherwise.
When they arrived Kiirweyä motioned for her companions to stand back, handing over her packed up glider to their care. She surveyed the others already present. It was an odd bunch. There were many humans dressed in the identical clothes of the earth-bound. She always found them odd. All this breadth of expression, and they all chose to look the same. Someone had mentioned to her there was special significance in the small variations between them, but she'd yet to figure it out and so it was probably safest to assume whoever the others deferred to was the one in charge. That would be the woman, surrounded by the serious-looking people. And the man with the green and red companions.
They were not the most eye-catching in the room, however. That would be the woman with her giant companions. Kiirweyä put her head to the side and looked them up and down. She'd been aware of the other peoples of the warren, but she hadn't actually seen many. She looked forward to making their acquaintance. But first, she had a job to do.
The Queen was already surrounded by the others so she waited her turn. When the opportunity presented itself she stepped forward, nodding politely. "We haven't met before. I am Kiirweyä, cleric of Niingi, and here to speak for Sorrow Peaks. It is only my companions and I, from the Peaks. We are not warriors, but anyone with a glider and knife can and will fight for their home. But we have to know how to help, and this is why I am here. So let us speak. All of us."
"Why do we walk?" One of her traveling companions was of the flock of Nukanaami. The winds were their home, and the current mode of transportation had been a point of contention all morning.
"You are welcome to try your luck from these hills," Kiirweyä said and nodded to one of the nearby hills. "But the earth-bound ones find this way of arrival more agreeable. In times like this I fear we might get mistaken for enemies if we arrive by air."
Her companion grunted unhappily and mumbled a short incantation to the skies, bemoaning their current state. The wind flapped their robes as if in agreement.
However, they didn't have to travel so for much longer. As they crested the next hill, there it was. Giant pinnacles of white, like cliffs of a great massif, although these were made by hand. Trees, green, white marbles, and people beyond comprehension. They'd heard the stories, but it was another thing to see it for themselves.
"The earth-bound abandoned the wild cliffs to build their own," one of her companions commented, trying to muster some disdain for the more civilized lifestyle, although it was hard to deny the splendor of the sight in front of them.
"So they did," Kiirweyä said and started walking again, using her walking stick to nudge the previous speaker in the side. It wouldn't do with such speak once they arrived. "And there's no denying they have prospered from it."
They traveled the rest of the way to the city in silence, identifying themselves to the city guards and so getting escorted to the meeting. On the way through the city they marveled at the sights. None of them had any further remarks beyond amazement. The buildings seemed to reach for the skies as if they were mountains, and among them grew trees and flew birds. It was a grand thing, and not even the most cynical among them dared say otherwise.
When they arrived Kiirweyä motioned for her companions to stand back, handing over her packed up glider to their care. She surveyed the others already present. It was an odd bunch. There were many humans dressed in the identical clothes of the earth-bound. She always found them odd. All this breadth of expression, and they all chose to look the same. Someone had mentioned to her there was special significance in the small variations between them, but she'd yet to figure it out and so it was probably safest to assume whoever the others deferred to was the one in charge. That would be the woman, surrounded by the serious-looking people. And the man with the green and red companions.
They were not the most eye-catching in the room, however. That would be the woman with her giant companions. Kiirweyä put her head to the side and looked them up and down. She'd been aware of the other peoples of the warren, but she hadn't actually seen many. She looked forward to making their acquaintance. But first, she had a job to do.
The Queen was already surrounded by the others so she waited her turn. When the opportunity presented itself she stepped forward, nodding politely. "We haven't met before. I am Kiirweyä, cleric of Niingi, and here to speak for Sorrow Peaks. It is only my companions and I, from the Peaks. We are not warriors, but anyone with a glider and knife can and will fight for their home. But we have to know how to help, and this is why I am here. So let us speak. All of us."
09-17-2020, 05:54 AM
Though the Hanvari had reinforced their isolationist stance, and kept Saraven strictly closed to the other holdfasts... this new threat of Chaosium could not and would not be tolerated. Much of Saraven was flourishing once again, and nothing was going to take that away from the Hanvari. Who lost so much in the last war. So they sent Vi'ian Kasator. An ancient Hanvari mage, who was unrivaled in her abilities to create and control "lifefire", a unique magic of the Hanvari. Her hair made of flame itself, that flickered different shades of different colors. Her skin, a radiant glowing flame color, that seemed to morph and glisten in the light. Her robes, a near black color, accented with reds and purples in the seams. Her eyes, a pure white, with no pupil, iris, or vein to remark upon. She made herself known, for the war council. She spoke softly, without bravado or grandeur.
09-17-2020, 05:55 AM
Arriving from the northeast, mounted on elks and shielded by makeshift shades strapped to the animals backs come three diminutive figures accompanied by a group of Satyrs as guides. Dazzled by the bright light of day, the three peer out with mixed expressions of wonder and apprehension. The trek had been slow, due to the aversion the three had to the day, but eventually they were forced to accommodate in order to reach the meeting on time. The gates of the city, the walls, the tall buildings; all these and every strange alien sight as they enter the bastion draws their ever shifting gaze.
The riders, small and childlike in stature with skin as pale as moonlight revealing deep amber veins beneath draw just as many curious stares from the locals as the locals do from them. Chattering back and forth in the language of the fae, their speech becomes both quicker and more truncated as the near their destination.
Upon being granted entry into the war room itself, the small stature of the Dulvyr is made all the more obvious by the much taller beings that had already arrived. The leader of the trio is garbed in muted brown and gray, with small woven patterns of green that almost seem to shine any time a shadow crosses over him. A mantle of tan is draped over his shoulders, held in place with a gleaming bronze pin. The other two following him wear similar colours, though wear light armour made of an amalgamation of chitin and leather, small scabbards at their waists and sacks slung over their shoulders.
With a small nervous bow, the leader addresses the room. Speaking in an old form of the Wyrde Tongue "Valsaegrith hears that Bastion stands, grand circle has sent Arvo to speak for them. Friend of Arvo, Lykandris of Skydwellers, shows us letter calling for aid." There is a glance back toward the two guards that came with him as well as the Satyr guides before he steadies himself with a quick breath.
"Valsaegrith has remained hidden from Chaolich since first arrival, but now the children of the Nightfather will help stop invasion. The great project nears completion."
The riders, small and childlike in stature with skin as pale as moonlight revealing deep amber veins beneath draw just as many curious stares from the locals as the locals do from them. Chattering back and forth in the language of the fae, their speech becomes both quicker and more truncated as the near their destination.
Upon being granted entry into the war room itself, the small stature of the Dulvyr is made all the more obvious by the much taller beings that had already arrived. The leader of the trio is garbed in muted brown and gray, with small woven patterns of green that almost seem to shine any time a shadow crosses over him. A mantle of tan is draped over his shoulders, held in place with a gleaming bronze pin. The other two following him wear similar colours, though wear light armour made of an amalgamation of chitin and leather, small scabbards at their waists and sacks slung over their shoulders.
With a small nervous bow, the leader addresses the room. Speaking in an old form of the Wyrde Tongue "Valsaegrith hears that Bastion stands, grand circle has sent Arvo to speak for them. Friend of Arvo, Lykandris of Skydwellers, shows us letter calling for aid." There is a glance back toward the two guards that came with him as well as the Satyr guides before he steadies himself with a quick breath.
"Valsaegrith has remained hidden from Chaolich since first arrival, but now the children of the Nightfather will help stop invasion. The great project nears completion."
09-17-2020, 05:56 AM
A Ship fleet was sent to the Bastion.Upon arriving at the port,A Valhalaxian dressed in sharp blue tuxedo introduces himself to the guard as Hakim(Ambassador) James Kirk.
The Guard looks at awe at the Wonderful fleet.James replied"To fight against the chaosium" and departs.
Seconds later,he is at the council room and states "For the safety of her majesty and the Kingdom,To Progess and repel the Chaosium Invadors,Valhalla donates a fleet against the Chaosium forces.We also will give 100 soliders soon to arive.Also,If her majesty wants,The War council can held in Atallanta,our underwater city away from immediate danger".Saying this,he sips a Dinger Mango Soda.
The Guard looks at awe at the Wonderful fleet.James replied"To fight against the chaosium" and departs.
Seconds later,he is at the council room and states "For the safety of her majesty and the Kingdom,To Progess and repel the Chaosium Invadors,Valhalla donates a fleet against the Chaosium forces.We also will give 100 soliders soon to arive.Also,If her majesty wants,The War council can held in Atallanta,our underwater city away from immediate danger".Saying this,he sips a Dinger Mango Soda.
11-28-2020, 08:04 AM
"Though there is nary a representative from every hold present yet, I believe we should get our discussion underway." Taighe U'Aiydun said, standing up from her chair around the table as she spoke. "Our enemies will not tarry as we sit about and wait, at this very moment the forces of the Chaosium could be gathering at the foot of Aimsir, perhaps spewing forth in ever growing numbers." Using her long brass staff, she pointed to where Aimsir was located on the map on the great table, and gingerly circled it with the ornate tip of her staff, running it over the holdfasts that were in close proximity to it. "About the south and east of Aimsir lie Lorkhaj-Raan, Esternwyn and Mestrland, to the north lies the holds of The Rovics and Saraven, and beyond these the very Queensland wherein we find ourselves. I would suggest we focus on evacuating or strengthening the defenses of these holds, though I know not if the invading forces have laid siege to them already for in truth I know not for far the invasion has gotten, or if it has gotten anywhere at all. Still I believe scouts will report to us in short time." With that Taighe sat down again and waited for the other holdfast representatives to pitch in with their suggestions.
11-28-2020, 03:49 PM
"There will be no evacuations!"

King Theoden Zinsalor apologized to everyone present for arriving late.
"I had to prepare my holdfast's defenses as we are definitely one of the first ones in the line and there was also umm.. some internal matters to attend to. But there will be no evacuations from Mestrland. There is no running away from what is coming. The only way forward is to fight. My sister is building my holdfast's defenses as we speak, we need as many bodies that can carry a weapon and fight as we can get. I do not know why the forces of Chaosium hasn't attacked us yet, but I am sure it will be soon. I am afraid we do not have much time to spend here. We must come to a decision soon and I need to get back to my holdfast to fight alongside my people and I am hoping that I will have all of your assistance in doing so."

King Theoden Zinsalor apologized to everyone present for arriving late.
"I had to prepare my holdfast's defenses as we are definitely one of the first ones in the line and there was also umm.. some internal matters to attend to. But there will be no evacuations from Mestrland. There is no running away from what is coming. The only way forward is to fight. My sister is building my holdfast's defenses as we speak, we need as many bodies that can carry a weapon and fight as we can get. I do not know why the forces of Chaosium hasn't attacked us yet, but I am sure it will be soon. I am afraid we do not have much time to spend here. We must come to a decision soon and I need to get back to my holdfast to fight alongside my people and I am hoping that I will have all of your assistance in doing so."
11-28-2020, 04:28 PM
Aynia nods and smiles at each new arrival, with a quiet "Welcome, please make yourselves comfortable.", but she lets her guests speak among themselves as she waits for more representatives. But she cannot wait forever. She hears talk of evacuations and starts to speak up when the newest representative arrives and puts in his part. She stands up from her chair and walks to the middle of the room, making three loud claps with her hands and clearing her throat.
"Thank you everyone, for joining me, and thank you for your input so far. I do believe it's time to get down to business. I do not know this Red Knight, but I know the realm from which he comes and I know what he could be bringing. Chaosium is a fearsome place. Nothing rests, nothing has peace. Chaos truly reigns there, and after the death of the Chaolich and the portal was closed, who only knows what took place there for the Red Knight to rise to power." She takes a deep breath.
"The only evacuations should be the young and infirm from the immediate threat areas. Other than that we need every able bodied soul to join this fight, and I promise you, we must fight. Offense as soon as possible will be our greatest weapon." She walks over to the map and pushes pawns south of The Rovics and Saraven, then pushes a few ship pawns west of Aimsir off the coast.
"North seems to be their preference, as they'll want to make their way to the capital. We need to cut them off and push them back. The more they gain the more we lose." She looks up to each attendee. "And they have a lot to gain, and we have a lot to lose. I say we concentrate our armies at the front lines, and attack in shifts with fresh soldiers, because they aren't going to rest for us. This must be a ceaseless battle. What say you all?" She looks around again and falls silent.
"Thank you everyone, for joining me, and thank you for your input so far. I do believe it's time to get down to business. I do not know this Red Knight, but I know the realm from which he comes and I know what he could be bringing. Chaosium is a fearsome place. Nothing rests, nothing has peace. Chaos truly reigns there, and after the death of the Chaolich and the portal was closed, who only knows what took place there for the Red Knight to rise to power." She takes a deep breath.
"The only evacuations should be the young and infirm from the immediate threat areas. Other than that we need every able bodied soul to join this fight, and I promise you, we must fight. Offense as soon as possible will be our greatest weapon." She walks over to the map and pushes pawns south of The Rovics and Saraven, then pushes a few ship pawns west of Aimsir off the coast.
"North seems to be their preference, as they'll want to make their way to the capital. We need to cut them off and push them back. The more they gain the more we lose." She looks up to each attendee. "And they have a lot to gain, and we have a lot to lose. I say we concentrate our armies at the front lines, and attack in shifts with fresh soldiers, because they aren't going to rest for us. This must be a ceaseless battle. What say you all?" She looks around again and falls silent.
11-28-2020, 06:48 PM
Ambassador Yale quickly conferred with her team and then stood to address the room after the Queen had spoken, she quickly gained permission to set-up a permanent Embassy & Consulate in the Queensland to assist Iron Bay citizens trapped at the front & help those from other Holdfasts who may need assistance. Consul general Eileen Brice was dispatched to Bastion to find a suitable building to set-up in.
"If I may now pass to my military attaché General Garvin, to propose how we may assist with the troops we have with us."
General Conn Garvin cut an impressive figure in full dress uniform, he was flanked by two officers, one male, one female, in only slightly more practical service dress uniforms.
"Your Majesty, I would have to agree the North is most likely - but there's one advantage that we have that's not been mentioned yet. We're on home soil - that means we've time to prepare the battlefield to our liking. Iron bay has sent an expeditionary force of 400 troops & preparation is our specialty. There are 200 sappers including communications & logistics specialists - just waiting to prepare trenches, supply lines and man communications platforms.
Then we have 100 medics awaiting orders to set-up a field hospital. And 100 longbows to protect them all.
If no one objects, Colonel Rearden & Sargent Keevan here will prep a forward tactical base and we extend an offer to use it as a joint battlefield tactical command with space for an officer from every Holdfast at the front to help integrate our various military forces into a single chain of command whilst we continue with strategy here. All are free to accompany us, but I urge you let us time to prepare the ground before the battle commences."
"If I may now pass to my military attaché General Garvin, to propose how we may assist with the troops we have with us."
General Conn Garvin cut an impressive figure in full dress uniform, he was flanked by two officers, one male, one female, in only slightly more practical service dress uniforms.
"Your Majesty, I would have to agree the North is most likely - but there's one advantage that we have that's not been mentioned yet. We're on home soil - that means we've time to prepare the battlefield to our liking. Iron bay has sent an expeditionary force of 400 troops & preparation is our specialty. There are 200 sappers including communications & logistics specialists - just waiting to prepare trenches, supply lines and man communications platforms.
Then we have 100 medics awaiting orders to set-up a field hospital. And 100 longbows to protect them all.
If no one objects, Colonel Rearden & Sargent Keevan here will prep a forward tactical base and we extend an offer to use it as a joint battlefield tactical command with space for an officer from every Holdfast at the front to help integrate our various military forces into a single chain of command whilst we continue with strategy here. All are free to accompany us, but I urge you let us time to prepare the ground before the battle commences."
11-28-2020, 09:00 PM
Fidgeting with the mantle about his shoulders, he shifts uncertainly on his feet before adjusting it back into place. His fingers dance as he does some quick mental arithmetic and nods. "Dulvyr not great warriors, can defend tunnels from breakers. Great project can make much metal, when ready Arvo will come with sample. Will need much beastskin for bellows."
There is a small pause before he continues, "Nightfather teaches Dulvyr how to find metal, stone, gems. Dulvyr discover how to work them. Hunt and tame tunnelstalkers, use for food armour and cloth." He grimaces for a moment after thinking a bit longer "Study of bites continues."
He gestures to one of his guards who pases a small satchel to him, from which he produces a small portion of something luminescent that he pops into his mouth. He looks about, not sure of what else he can add, before stepping back again.
There is a small pause before he continues, "Nightfather teaches Dulvyr how to find metal, stone, gems. Dulvyr discover how to work them. Hunt and tame tunnelstalkers, use for food armour and cloth." He grimaces for a moment after thinking a bit longer "Study of bites continues."
He gestures to one of his guards who pases a small satchel to him, from which he produces a small portion of something luminescent that he pops into his mouth. He looks about, not sure of what else he can add, before stepping back again.
11-28-2020, 10:06 PM
The Bastion had made heavy warnings about the threat of war. Ranger patrols needed to be more frequent and the entire holdfast was forced on curfew. The invaders had seemed to be very far away from Dyllspire and her forests, however the people still feared the dreaded Red Knights, a name which could only follow a legion of horrible bloodthirsty evils. Lady Dholorh road with her party mounted on deer to Ironbay to hire a boat to reach the Bastion to join the war council. She only brought four of her personal guard, whose armor and weapons were gilded in silver.
Her ship arrived at the Bastion. Lady Dholorh had never been privileged to bask in the capital of the Warren, although unfortunately she needed to be urgent. She immediately sought out the war council.
Her ship arrived at the Bastion. Lady Dholorh had never been privileged to bask in the capital of the Warren, although unfortunately she needed to be urgent. She immediately sought out the war council.