Hey Y'all! I think I'd like to at least try out RPing with you all. So Where do I start?
I'm going away for a long weekend (no cell service) but I figure i can work on lore over the weeked and comeback and hopefull hop in!
Heya! Where to start depends on what interests you most. Would you like to participate in canon role play? One of the non canon role plays? Do you have an idea for your own role play?
If you'd like to join the canon role play, the sign ups for holdfasts are
here. Feel free to talk about your holdfast ideas either in this thread, or on discord in the #canon-discussion channel on the discord

You can also read other people's holdfasts
If you are interested in a non canon role play you can join either Pokhapel
here or Architects of Creation
If you have an idea for your own role play, you can find the requirements and sign ups